The truth is... I actually like the new perk system! I even prefer having perks vs the attributes in Skyrim.
Of course if I was give a choice I would prefer to have perks AND attributes. But if we are purely comparing Oblivion (no perks) vs Skyrim (no attributes), I actually prefer the system in Skyrim.
Before someone flames me, I have to clarify that I am referring to the system itself. I am not saying Bethesda did an excellent job coming up with Perks or making sure they are all balanced/useful. I think this is something that Bethesda should be able to improve in TES VI.
I think perks are much more strategic than having attributes. In Oblivion if I was a mage I would simply dump points into Willpower and Intelligence. I find myself thinking more about how to spend perk points than attribute points.
Also, I am not claiming the TES series has been leaning towards "simplifying" gameplay. Morrowind was a much deeper game, and then a lot of things were dumbed down in Oblivion, and now the same in Skyrim (ie. spellmaking, alchemy, armor types, etc.). All I am saying is that the perk system in Skyrim is an improvement over Oblivion's system.