I play as a high-stamina Dunmer duelwielder, I dodge as my only way of defense... because of the way I want my character (and difficulty) I've put no points in health and refuse to do so... so sure I die or get hit a few times do to failing a dodge, I don't mind that, infact I'm happy I'm so far from a tank, however when a [CENSORED] finishing move decides to help opponent by paralyzing me then I mind. Whenever an NPC with a warhammer as much as prepares to swing I lose... for him starting his swing (that I could easily dodge) paralyzes me and forces his hit to kill me no matter what. I've even tried running at my opponent and right before my blades would have killed him the game decided to freeze me due to him having started an attack he'd never have been able to finish.
Not just does this paralyzing [CENSORED] svck but there are countless flaws with finishing moves, as the forced 3rd/1rst person, the fact that I've yet to have a single one of them actually hit me right (a stab in my stomach ended up above my head), etc...
So can you please just make these horrible finishing moves toggleable?
BTW: Steam svcks.