Instead of making "legendary weapons" they should have stuck with ammo crafting from FONV.
Instead of making "legendary weapons" they should have stuck with ammo crafting from FONV.
You're definitely not the only one that misses it, no. It's a shame it isn't in, but at least there's so much more to do with crafting in general.
you mean like the insane amount of pipe gun mods that are beyond useless while over looking things like glow sights or a double action cylinder/receiver for the .44?
I miss it. I also really miss weapon degradation and think it was a huge mistake to remove the feature. If they allowed us to detach mods freely from weapons we find in the world, we could store backups of all the mods we are using for our main weapon. It would make finding those weapons with hilariously long names potentially worthwhile throughout a whole playthrough.
Eh, I tried it a bit when I played FO:NV, but never really got into it.
ammon is to common to add it to craft, i mean it was irrelevant on NV for real. U could get it more easy just kill raiders or buying it.
I do not miss it. I prefer the system that Bethesda came up with.
I never used it. I had so many caps that staying stocked in whatever ammo I needed didn't even dent my ... er ... what do you keep bottle caps in anyway? Fooling with ammo crafting wasn't an effective use of my time. Same with this game. If there was an ammo crafting system it would be pointless, as I never manage to fall below 500 bullets. Trading ammo I don't use for ammo I do keeps me with all the rounds I can fire.
I miss it, I liked being able to break down ammo I didn't use and load for calibers I did. And the upgraded rounds made early game guns like .357 revolvers and lever actions viable all the way to Hoover Dam, as well as kept me in .45-70. But then the weapons choices in FO4 are so limited it probably wouldn't matter much if they added it, besides giving a use for the many thousands of rounds of .38 I have.
So, crafting ammunition early on in Vegas didn't have that much impact, but when Gun Runner's Arsenal came out, holy balls.
so like, numerically speaking, the match rounds for .50 cal rounds had 35% less spread, making sniping a breeze, and 15% more damage, which translated to pretty big numbers on guns thatalready were doing 80 damage. Then you get those explosive rounds, and you can put the explosion of a frag grenade at a spot as far as you could physically aim. Many of the hand loaded rounds helped you cut down on space, as you needed less ammo to kill the same enemies, and really put forward a great benefit to pre-planning. Like, look at Max Charge for the energy weapons, you can condense your ammo into something that will take you less to kill. Max Charge + Gauss Rifle = one dead anything.
They also carried hella benefit to diversifying how you used some guns. Shotguns could have Slug Rounds, making them viable against enemies with DT, then you could have Magnum rounds for normally, less armored enemies, and still carry a lethal edge. My only complaint with the varied ammo types was that NPCs didn't exploit them enough.
I miss the ammo diversity in F:NV. I used to break down my ammo and use handloaded ammo which gave you benefits or armor piercing bullets, explosive bullets etc.
Ammo diversity ftw. I wish they'd at least add slug shells into ammo options for shotguns. It'd basically make it a shorter range rifle, with a much, much larger round.
Never really used it that much in New Vegas, always had caps to buy the ammo i wanted. But as i said, more options are never a bad thing. There is a mod for it though, it was linked a few posts above this one.
Nope because the weapon modding in game does the same basic thing.
Same as crafting weapons and armor, you can just buy them (its this way to add a major caps sink).
Also makes it easier to add your own apparel with mods.
I'd like to convert ammo at least. I reckon the ammo crafting should come back.
.38 rounds are only for pipe weapons? I'd much rather convert them into something much more useful.
Alternate ammo types in New Vegas felt so cluttered. There were so many alternatives that were only marginally different from the base ammo type; if different ammo types make a return, I'd like to see fewer ammo types that have more stark differences. Slug rounds for shotguns, armor-piercing and hollow-point rounds that have an extremely noticeable effect on heavily-armored/unarmored opponents. Energy weapons might not have the same options, but being able to convert between Fusion Cells, Cryo Cells, Plasma Cartridges, and Gamma Rounds would be nice.
Excatly. I keep running out of .44 ammo because no one ever carries more than 100 rounds, nor can I craft my own.
Can we get a sequel to New Vegas please!