I wonder if this hatemail thing will continue in BRINK
''[censored] heavy noobfag blanace alararararorrararagagawhoopadapapapa''
Back to Multiplayer Modes if it's possible, or did we just hijack this thread with hatemail?
Adding one more would'nt hurt, but not adding one would'nt hurt either, as this game has been announced to be a Objective Game, so adding TDM is nothing one can expect, but if they add it, then fine, it's in.
Now that I think of it, inside Campaign (normal game mode) there is objectives that's similiar to: Capture the flag, Capture Point, and Attack/Defend?
.. I wonder if there is something like King of the Hill, I do like that. Maybe something like ''hold this position for 2 minutes to advance'', and if the opposing team gets in the timer goes up again.
Schwarzeis therorycrafting at it's best.
Most of these are included as objectives.
Ctf is for one side only (depending on the map ofcourse). Take package X from location Y to location Z.
Don't know what capture point really does (yea, you have to capture a point duh, but ressembles it domination from COD or something ) you can capture command posts that grant you bonuses, make you able to switch class or perhaps give you a forward/extra spawn location.