I hoard the whole warehouse.
I hoard the whole warehouse.
im with u, i normally carries 1 type of food to combine with Stink pack. Long range weapon, Close range weapon, Melee weapon. And that all.
Fallout 4 fixes the hoarding problem.
Collect everything and chuck it in your workbench. It is then available at every workbench in the world.
Like a bank. Best possible solution. Details may vary - this is just from the Bethesda releases.
Personally, I think things are going to be better this time around, since you don't have to carry around duplicates for repairs. Aside from the loot that I plan on selling, my character only really carries maybe three weapons and a suit of armor. I usually try to sell all but ~10 stimpacks and 5 each of Rad-Away, Mentats, Med-X, and Psycho.
I loved that. I loved repairing.
I loved having my weapon reach breaking point and being is a desperate hunt for parts
You should RP it. After shooting a gun 20 times, throw it away and pick up a new one.
First thing I'll do after leaving the vault is find storage. Then I'll raid every building, vehicle and hollow rock for a mile around.
I try not to carry too much because I hate clutter. But I hoard in containers like mad. MAD, I tell ya.
Just call me the cleaner...
I pick up everything.
I'm a collector.. I have this need to collect one of everything. So, for awhile in the beginning, I am like a warehouse. Just picking up all sorts of stuff. Of course it drops off rather quickly. I mean, if I have an iron sword I certainly don't need to pick up another iron sword. As for selling things for money I tend to stick to small items of value rather than large items so I usually don't run into problems with needing to empty my inventory every 30 minutes or whatever. Also, before I start any main story quest I like to empty my inventory to just the bare necessities. By the time I get to the story portions of the game I'm usually overleveled, so doing things like leaving all my healing items behind and limiting my ammo is something I often do as well.
since everything can be scrapped for parts to build houses/towns and such I plan on playing like the world is pokemon and collecting them all to scrap and build with
I usually pick up everything so that prevents me from Fast Travel and to walk speed. Since using a controller it can be difficult to walk since just a slight pressure you are running. I would prefer if there was a toggle option in a game menu to force walk. I do the same in Witcher 3 as well.
No... I loot wh0re, and am proud of it. I'll grab anything of value and take it home with me.
In my first playthrough i am a hoarder, because i like to see everything and have everything. If i see something that i don't have like a piece of armor or a weapon i'll take it. I like to own every useful item in the game, just to have it. In my second playthrough i will probably run a minimalist because i already know what is out there.
Agreed. Once I figured out what I was planning on crafting, I only pick up those components....well...and anything that has a good weight to price ratio. If I want to keep niche weapons or unique weapons/armor/items, I store it away at the safe house.
Hoarder for first playthrough for sure. I need to figure out what guns and do and don't like before I could choose to have a very select few. With degredation gone (thank god) I don't need to carry multiple of similar weapons just to keep my favorites in decent condition. That will surely cut down on the number of duplicates. But then again with all the possible mods I might find something I like and 10 variations of it hahaha
I literally horde every little item no matter how useless that I can find. In new vegas I had weapons and ammo out the wazoo. I'm also very OCD and organize everything, like I would keep food in the fridge and stimpacks in a first aid box etc.
You're going to have a rough time in FO4 then, given that everything can be scrapped for materials.
"Day 30: finally finished looting Vault 111. Time to head outside!"
Looting an entire building with 10 floors.... Aww man.