Am I the only person who doesn't horde half a warehouse?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:27 pm

I can't stand having a cluttered inventory. I also role play maybe a little to strictly in that if I can't imagine my character being able to carry it I will not pick it up (only exception being quest item because little choice). I imagine my character has a backpack and carry only what items I feel could fit

- For example I carry a pistol (can be holstered on belt), Sniper (can be slung over shoulder), shotgun (can be hung from belt opposite side to pistol) and a knife.

- If I pick up another weapon I have to drop a weapon that takes it's place.

- I never carry more than 6 or so stimpacks, rad away, mex x etc because carrying 100 seems unreasonable, plus makes the game too easy.

- I never pick up a ton of random loot unless I specifically want it for something. I don't pick up stuff just in case.

- I only ever have 1 piece of armor at a time. If I pick up another I like I have to drop my previously equipped armor unless it is light clothing that could be stored in a backpack

Everyone else seems to like to horde and loot everything that's not bolted down. Am I the only weirdo.

If I don't realistically think I can carry it, it stays behind.

Does anyone else purposefully gimp themselves?

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Olga Xx
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:56 pm

You're just an illogical wastelander. I carry excess for the case I need to fix some things, or buy some things.

Besides... I carry a gun for every single ammo type. Never know when you run out of bullets!
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:28 pm

I'm pretty close to you.

In my head, I always imagine my character having a backpack (usually my first mods to download). I have my clothes, my medicinal items (I try to stay at 5 stimpaks, 5 Rad-X, 5 Rad-Away, 2 Med-X, and 2 Mentats... and some food if playing with primary needs), my rifle, a sidearm, and a small melee weapon. Small knickknacks don't bug me, but I try to pick up and carry maybe two pieces more armor (since they can be folded) and a few weapons worth saluaging.

If I recall, medicinal items have some the highest weight/cost ratios in the game; especially if stimpaks are weightless. ^_^ So, those I will horde then sell.
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James Potter
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:11 pm

No you misunderstand.

I get that what you are saying but what you are saying is unrealistic even if logical within what is allowed in game. Pulling a mini gun out of your .... erm pocket makes no sense and it bothers me to carry so much stuff

What I am saying is I horde as much as possible with realistic and reasonable expectations

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Danny Warner
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:49 am

Must collect ALL the things!. :P

(And, honestly, I feel that way in every game, not just ones that give me a huge inventory. It was very frustrating playing STALKER, where the constantly-respawning enemies dropped endless piles of loot, almost none of which I could take. And if I tried doing back-and-forth trips to the shop to sell some of it, they'd respawn while I did that, and drop Even More Loot. Was painful. Felt so wasteful leaving all that stuff lying on the ground.)

...but especially in Beth games. They go out of their way to fill the game world with all these objects, they have their enemies drop all their equipment (rather than typical RPG "1-2 pieces random loot"), etc. It seems wrong to not take the stuff. :shrug:

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:25 pm

No cheats on the PlayStation. No way to hoard.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:16 am

I follow similar logic to the OP.

1 main (sniper, rifle, shotgun etc), 1 pistol, , and melee (one handed).

Little bit of leeway with armour, the equipped set and an extra.

Stimpacks I tend to use as currency if a vendor runs out of cash, so i end up with loads of them, but around 5 of the other medical items (as stated earlier).

Misc items I carry if needed, or if they have a decent value, conductors, ciaggerette cartoons etc, but I always sell or store as early as possible.

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Gemma Archer
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:52 am

The longer I've played Bethesda's games the more I have restricted what they can carry. In the beginning, my characters would carry everything the game allowed. But over the years I've gradually been trimming it down. Nowadays most of my characters carry only only or two weapons and no extra armor.

This varies from character to character though. For instance, if I'm playing a character who makes a living by scrounging the world for armor to sell to merchants, then she'll carry as much armor as she can. Likewise for any other item.

I let the character concept decide what they will carry but I limit how much they can carry.

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Toby Green
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:24 am

He's not saying cheats. He's saying "the game gives you an irrationally large carrying capacity, so I deliberately carry less than that due to Realism."

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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:19 pm

Ah. In that case I guess I do hoard.

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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:56 pm

I carry much as possible, after all your in a wasteland scavanging to survive well at least In NV was the case.

But IN FO4 is totally going to change my gameplay now unfortunately,I just have to get used to the new mechanics and role play as a god wastelander type.

As far of stuff that don't have weight limit,yeah I hoard everything.

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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:25 pm

I don't care much about realism, but I always try to keep my inventory low (around three weapons at maximum) to protect myself from hitting weight limit and to have easier time using my inventory while the rest of my stuff I leave at one of my homes. I also don't collect everything I find, but just stuff that is useful or I can sell at a very high price.

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sally R
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:54 am

I don't do any of this but I'm going to do this either later on in my first playthrough or on my second playthrough. Thanks for the idea.
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:57 pm

I tend to be a bit pragmatic with my looting in Bethesda games nowadays. I mean, I still remember the first time I played Oblivion I was taking everything that wasn't nailed down (which meant, of course, every single little thing...) I'd play a thief, and when I'd break into someone's house I would totally clean them out. Every dish, every piece of silverware, etc.

With their later games I've tended to be a bit more focused. Certainly, I'm less picky at the beginning of the game when every little bit of money is going to help, and then later on in the game I'm usually a bit more picky about what I need.

Generally in Fallout (and especially since I don't usually put a lot of points in STR and therefore have less of a carrying capacity) one thing I do every time I go back to "home base" to restock and sell my loot is re-organize my inventory. I usually constrain myself to about 3 firearms and a back-up melee weapon. (Usually I switch weapons depending on range - something I can use for sniping, something I can spray-and-pray and then something reliable that I know I'll have enough ammo for to fall back on.) And then one suit of armor and something else I can change into when in town (both for roleplaying and any stat boosts.)

With Fallout 4 I'll probably keep to that basically. Since we have piecemeal armor again (so psyched about that,) I'll probably not be carrying multiple outfits around - but who knows. Maybe I'll keep something around for when I'm hanging around in town or one of my settlements. Then a couple of weapons and a melee weapon. I usually bring a bit of food and water to top off between battles, but I'm generally finding enough of that out exploring that I don't usually stock up on much before venturing out again.

As far as looting goes, it's going to be tough for me to call yet. I really want to dig into the crafting mechanics and am creating a character with a strong focus on those perks and attributes. So that means I'm probably going to be carrying around a lot of loot and then breaking them down into components at every opportunity. I can see myself hoarding a lot of components at my home bases.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:59 pm

I know what you are saying, and Fallout 1 and 2 did a good job at giving you a reason why your character might be hoarding this crap.

But come on now... we're talking about a world with some incredibly advanced technology. It'd be unrealistic if someone did not find out how to bend the laws of physics to his whims to give Vault Tech jumpsuits some pockets of holding.

Just look at it this way. All forms of matter are built up out of clusters of atoms, which are so small that they can not be seen. However, most of matter is just empty space. If you were to reduce the distance between atoms by some miniscule amount, you can actually drastically reduce the volume of the object, but the weight remains the same. If you were to completely collapse the distance between atoms, you basically get an entity that exists only on a single point of discernable space, but weighs the same. This... could cause a singularity... but that's only with enough mass. Your character typically won't see carry weights above 2.12E20kgs.

With your character being the only character who carries a ludicrous amount of crap... it wouldn't be too far to say that this is what the Pipboy's inventory management is actually doing. Keep in mind that you do not load a single bullet into your gun when you reload. You load rounds into a clip. So you can also imagine that this is what the Pipboy does on the sidelines.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:41 pm

I collect so much stuff that I have to get house mods to display it all. Underwater Home and Underground Hideout are my must have mods for 3 and New Vegas. I fill the display racks up.

I should probably name one of my characters Hoover for all the stuff they vacuum up along the way. Hmm, wonder if that name will be in the list.....

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Farrah Lee
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:04 am

At the start, sure I collect a lot of stuff. Eventually, I start learning what I need and what I don't, and then I ask myself some questions.

-Is it unique?

-Is it valuable?

-Do I need it to craft something?

-If it's a weapon, do I have one of it already?

-Have I already turned said weapon into something else entirely?

-If it's armor, do I have a set already?

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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:57 pm

I can view this one of two ways.

My Pip-Boy digitizes my inventory, similar to how Borderlands backpacks digitizes your weapons because when you change weapons, you get that digitized sparkle coming from your backpack.

But I do hate clutter, so once I pick up everything that I can, I rush it back to my house, sort it by what type of items they are. Weapons, Armor, Food, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Unique Items, Collectable, and Skill Based. Once unloaded, I rush off to plunder the riches of the wasteland.

And I do limit my weapons down to one pistol, one automatic weapon, one sniper rifle, one mid range rifle, and one melee weapon. My standard is a Plasma Pistol, Anti-Material Rifle, Hunting Rifle or Laser Rifle, Service Rifle, and usually a machete or power fist.

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Chenae Butler
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:38 pm

I don't collect everything, just those things with the best weight to value ratio. Additionally, I generally pick one item to collect as a trophy, depending on the back story I fabricate for my character.

For example, on one character I had in New Vegas I had one guy that was a bit delusional. I collected all the pre-war money I could find and the best pre-war clothing I could find and kept them in a suitcase in my Novac apartment just in case thing got "back to normal". Just to entertain myself.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:02 am

I take everything with a greater value than its weight. With every piece of junk being worth something now. Gonna need more carry weight
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:08 am

Pretty much how I envision/play it.
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Elle H
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:33 pm

7+ billion people on this

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Miss Hayley
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:13 am

If I am scouting an area, I am the same as the op. But as soon as it is pacified, the big loot and storage starts :) . Then the routine starts againe with better and updated equipment. So I would say inbetween.

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Craig Martin
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:13 pm

Nope I loot as much expensive stuff as i can carry to trade for caps. If my inventory if full I drop the lowest value to weight items.

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Chloe Botham
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:58 pm

Horder and Proud.

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