But one of the main reasons I can't play females is that I can't stand them roaming all around like that. Like, going from one mage guild to another to sleep? Just sounds unlady-like to me. :shrug:
For me, a woman should have a stable family environment, and should stay as something peaceful, like a trader or something.

Call me a close-minded sixist, or an old fashioned gentleman, that's just the way I think.

If I were feministic in the slightest, I would be sooo upset right now.

As it is I can totally see your point... For example in most cases it's just physically impossible for a woman to do the things that are required in the game (even daggers are probably pretty damn heavy, and you have to be really strong to wield any sword effectively or to even draw a longbow).
But even for the sake of realism, I just can't play a man... They're just kinda
blah. (Who's the sixist now, huh?) I mean, I want to kind of be able to identify with my character, and being a man just feels so wrong. So I go for bows and arrows and spells and light armor, which is almost realistic. Still not really, because very few women would have the right mentality to do the things you're required to, to be honest. Then again, a female assassin is completely realistic in my opinion. Women tend to be more the sneaky-kill-from-behind-corners type, whereas female warriors I just couldn't get. Thank God I don't have any warrior vibes whatsoever.
(Well, that got kind of off the topic. Oops.)