Yeah, I mean, who needs a silly skill like climbing? Who needs Lyanthropy without an expansion, who need extremly customisable characters? Who needs a realistic world where time passes by, with seasons and basic AI? Who needs polical quests? [/sarcasm] [/rant]
I was gonna say "Me".

Either way, I really didn't expect this thread to take off like this. I posted this last night thinking
'Okay, somebody's gonna just be like "Yeah, sure, whatever."' and it'd be done. I'm also shocked that no big arguments have broken out or anything, which I originally put in my post before my power turned off.
But yes, it was the RPG Codex.

I searched "Michael Kirkbride" and that's what came up, and I saw somebody complaining about Morrowind and I was like:

When I saw their complaints that look eerily similar to the ones I've seen here about Oblivion, I couldn't help but laugh and post this...
I'm really hoping TES:V will be better in terms of roleplaying, skills, etc. They've shown a lot of promise with Fallout 3, and they said that system's been worked on so now the next game will have an even
better system than Fallout 3. It really could be anything. After reading what people had to say over there and linking it back to here I realize when playing the new game I am going to have to make sure to see it for what it is and not for what I was expecting. The first game we've all played was our first introduction to the series. Many of us weren't expecting a huge open RPG world, or if we were it wasn't nearly what we expected. Now that new games are (and have been) coming out we start to think on terms of what we'd like to be in the new game, and what Bethesda's capable of, and then we are highly disappointed when it isn't a "revamp" of the last game, it's a new game entirely.
I think what happens is that people grow very familiar with games and attach themselves to that being the ideal form of the game, as with anything we highly enjoy we'll admit it has some flaws, but to those of us who like [insert game here] those flaws are worth it. Then Bethesda comes by and mixes everything up and people go:
"Wait a minute, where'd "X" go and why is "Y" in the game now?!". And for them, the game is "wrecked" and disappointing because it isn't like they expected, and what made the game they started with the game they started with will not be and will never be what makes the next game what the next game is. It isn't that Bethesda is making the games more "main-streamed" it's that Bethesda is making games different each and every time. Daggerfall wasn't Arena 2.0, Morrowind wasn't Daggerfall 2.0, and Oblivion wasn't Morrowind 2.0.
And TES:V isn't gonna be Oblivion 2.0, it's going to feel entirely different. It's the way the game series has progressed since day 1 and yet people still argue and make the same complaints of the next game "being a let-down". These "the game is good" vs "the game is awful" arguments among fans have been going on for
9 years, if not longer. I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to not expect the next game to be anything like any of the others besides being an Open World RPG and taking place in Tamriel.