Would love it if this diamond actually got to the surface, continue with the awesome work! =)
We will definitely not give up!
We spend so many hours in terraforming^^, building locations, creating meshes and breathing life into those stupid NPC's, that it would be a shame, to bung this work in the bin.
At this time, we are working on the dialoges and after this, a release is comming in sight.
.. how is progress? i cant wait to see a release! ...
We are totaly on scedule!

The Mod will be finished, when it's done! ^^
... And btw is it possible to be the grandmaster of the order?
By the way the German voice acting makes great progress. If you are interested, you can watch a short speaker trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/OrdenTeam
My favorite is Jash Madran, who speaks a little bit like Jar Jar Bings in the German Translation of Star Wars. ^^