Wow, this is amazing. If you need anyone to translate this into English, I volunteer- I am fluent in both languages.
Hey, this is a good idea! Why don't you contact the team for this job?

Btw. this tool will be a help for you to do this.
This looks and sounds amazing, the release can't come soon enough
I was wondering if this mod will conflict with Bananasplit Better Cities or Unique Landscapes ?
Any news about the project ?
First the good news:
Yesterday we gave the Downloadlink of the Pre-Release-Version to our Beta-Testers.
Yes, our Mod will conflict with some parts of Unique Landscapes,
(For more information look at this map )
but we are trying to fix this.
We are in contact with one of the modders, who occasionly worked for UL.
We hope, that he can do this job for us.