[WIPz] THE ORDER - Fight for the Light! (Thread 2)

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:42 am

How many acts will there be in the total, Xerxes?
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:46 am

Altogether there will be ten acts. The first two will be the most comprehensive.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:18 pm

10? Wow...looking forward to the translated one, I bet this mod could get Mod of the Year!
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i grind hard
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:03 am

Altogether there will be ten acts. The first two will be the most comprehensive.

A simple word for your team: AMAZING !!!

Act 1 is splendid and is integrated magnificiently well in Oblivion! Still thank you with you and your team.

I wanted to ask you: largest of work must be the creation of meshes and textures, not? And thus with did this Act 1 you have to create the largest part of the elements which you have need thereafter for the other Acts?

Thus thanks to must that, that have to release a little more time to you, now? This is why is Act 2 so quite advanced, not?

In all the case being French (and very little German-French translators on the Net), we will have to wait a small moment before being able to play to your Mod, sniffff ^^
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:04 pm

Cripe...10 acts...IT"S A HIT!!!!!!!!!
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:26 am

We are modders, not wizards. ;)

However, the second act has the priority.

So priority of release goes towards the second act before the english translated first act? How long do you believe the second act will take to complete? Also I understand wanting to keep a tight leash on a mod you put so much time and effort into, however if someone is willing to do the translating work for you, wouldn't it at least make sense to let him try? He doesn't have to release it, he could send it to The Order team for review of course and you guys can release it when you are ready but at least it would speed things up for us english fans who have been dying to try this mod forever. Just a thought.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:52 am

this sounds really quite amazing, but I am not sure about downloading it. Nothing against anything in here, just, I don't like getting every mod of even just a little intrest. you know, don't want to hit that mod cap.

I will think about downloading, but first I need to get my Oblivion working again.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:25 am

Having read the last pages of the topic I think the permission issue for an english translation is adequately clarified Xerxes.

As you already posted, you will focus mainly on the 2nd part of your mod and not the translation of the 1st one.

Therefore, I have one question having gone through "Walker's in Shadows" offer to translate the mod:

Is there a specific reason that would force you not to allow any 3rd parties to translate your work, given the fact that the english speaking community is looking forward into trying / playing your mod?

Congrats on your release.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:50 pm

A simple word for your team: AMAZING !!!

Act 1 is splendid and is integrated magnificiently well in Oblivion! Still thank you with you and your team.


I wanted to ask you: largest of work must be the creation of meshes and textures, not? And thus with did this Act 1 you have to create the largest part of the elements which you have need thereafter for the other Acts?

Thus thanks to must that, that have to release a little more time to you, now? This is why is Act 2 so quite advanced, not?

Not really, the most work of the first act lies in the environments, quests, characters and dialogues. For the second act there a much more new meshes to do and both acts are building the base for the other acts.

So priority of release goes towards the second act before the english translated first act?

Probably yes, we will se.

How long do you believe the second act will take to complete?

We cannot yet say how long it will take, but there is a lot to do.

Is there a specific reason that would force you not to allow any 3rd parties to translate your work, given the fact that the english speaking community is looking forward into trying / playing your mod?

It's not generally against third parties, but for example WalkerInShadows did not even ask before he works on a translation, that's leave a bad impression. Not a good basis for cooperation.

Please let us put an end to this matter. We will see how far a translation is possible.
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:10 am

Got it?.. We have not yet asked.

All righty then. =| I have to agree with Aequitas, though.. what you did was the posting equivalent of a verbal smackdown. It's obvious that you're very protective of your intellectual property; as a fellow writer, I can understand that, but it's no reason to be rude about it. I've got other things to do anyway, so never mind. *shrug*

You must not work on any mod without a clear permission, that goes without saying.

No it doesn't. Some modders don't care, and some will actively allow people to create other mods that rely on theirs (like Iliana's Anequina).

Actually, it's far better to clearly state whether your mod is open to outside development or not--it helps if a mod ever "dies". Note that in The Order's case, it's pretty clear on the first post, and the fact that it is still in active development, that anyone who wants to help should ask first. However, some other mods are far less clear, and it's better not to take such things for granted.

Exactly. State it clearly: "We have no plans to translate this mod until it is completely finished. At that time we will seek help from the community." A clear statement of intent such as that will also keep everyone from clamoring for a translation. :)

There is a licence document included in the download package, which should clarify all questions about modifying our mod. So it is stated. ;)

It's in German. If you want people to know the full extent of said license, you might want to at least put in an English version.
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Tai Scott
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:30 am

Thought this discussion was over.

No it doesn't. Some modders don't care, and some will actively allow people to create other mods that rely on theirs (like Iliana's Anequina).

Indeed it's self-evident. Especially when it's not clearly allowed by the modder. Because "some modders" don't care, nobody cares? Sorry, but that's absolutely wrong.

Exactly. State it clearly: "We have no plans to translate this mod until it is completely finished. At that time we will seek help from the community." A clear statement of intent such as that will also keep everyone from clamoring for a translation.

It's clearly stated, just read it how it's meant.

It's in German. If you want people to know the full extent of said license, you might want to at least put in an English version.

Yes, it's in German and you wanted to translate our mod, so you should be able to read it. But instead of reading it, you ignored it and posted here your intention to translate our mod, without asking or a permission. So you are the only one who is rude.

My sentences are short and clear, not rude. But my interest on a translation drops with every new posting here.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:32 am

But my interest on a translation drops with every new posting here.

As does MY interest of checking out your work due to such a HOSTILE treatment of someone who came to you OFFERING to help YOU bring YOUR mod to the masses. You created it for people to play, right? Not just those who speak German, right? Wouldn't it be beneficial to YOU as a creator to have more people be able to enjoy your work? But... I rest my case...

I am European too, and we do tend to be more concise than North Americans. English is my third language too, but I can certainly tell that there is a ton of hostility in the way your posts come across.

People skills is a very underrated thing. It can make you more friends and build friendships. It can build online communities of people who share the same interests. The LACK of that skill can alienate you and isolate you and make others not care very much about what you do, NO MATTER how high the quality of your work is.

I was EXTREMELY looking forward to checking out your mod once English translation comes around. It looks like it was put together in the highest quality and with much care.

Based on your handling of Walker In Shadows' offer, I am not sure if your work will not be tarnished in my eyes by a bad vibe you have just created around yourself.

This is obviously not ONLY my observation. Several people commented on this already. One person may be crazy... But when one becomes many, there just MAY be a ring of truth in it.

Best of luck!
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kelly thomson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:00 am

I agree with Smirnoff, you should have been less hostile to Walker. Maybe he made a mistake about not asking first, but he didn't mean it bad.

EDIT: Spelling
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:19 pm

Discussion on P's and Q's is better left off for another thread folks. The position has already been made clear (and if we read my post, which was quoted, it was already clear in the very first post of this thread...). Xerxes response to Walker was a bit heavy handed, but considering it seems like he thought Walker was already starting on a translation without asking, not entirely out of nowhere.

I'd also like to point out that there is a large userbase of English speakers who are looking forward to this mod, and that it is never a good idea to bite the hand that feeds. Yes, you can be disappointed about a person's post, but let's face it, it's the internet, and just like IRL, not everyone is going to be polite. Would it be better if everyone was always polite? Yes, of course, but I would be touchy too if I thought someone was taking my work and changing it without asking first.

Also, please, some of you are taking the post more personally than Walker, and working this up to be a far bigger thing that it was...move along please!

@ Xerxes, I haven't seen much info on Episode II. What general direction is the team planning on taking The Order?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:31 am


I owe you an apology. I had a chance to think about what I said earlier in this thread and I did not think things through very well. A friend of mine brought this up and explained that what I said was supporting the infringement of modders' rights and upon a bit of reflection, I agree.

It is your right as a modder to not allow ANY editing of your work without permission and this translation business certainly applies.

I regret saying what I did and would like to acknowledge my sincere mistake and publicly apologize to you for supporting a behaviour that really isn't acceptable. I hope that is sufficient, and I am looking forward to checking out your work if and when it ever becomes available in one of the languages I do speak.

Thank you for the hard work, and best of luck with the other chapters to you!!!

Jeremy Smirnoff
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Kaley X
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:41 am

I'm closing this thread. You may start another to discuss this mod. But the bickering must be taken to pm or dropped. The first person to bring these hard feelings and disagreements up in the next thread will be warned as will anyone who responds to it so I suggest you all self moderate and report the first sign of bickering about it all.
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Shannon Lockwood
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