A simple word for your team: AMAZING !!!
Act 1 is splendid and is integrated magnificiently well in Oblivion! Still thank you with you and your team.
I wanted to ask you: largest of work must be the creation of meshes and textures, not? And thus with did this Act 1 you have to create the largest part of the elements which you have need thereafter for the other Acts?
Thus thanks to must that, that have to release a little more time to you, now? This is why is Act 2 so quite advanced, not?
Not really, the most work of the first act lies in the environments, quests, characters and dialogues. For the second act there a much more new meshes to do and both acts are building the base for the other acts.
So priority of release goes towards the second act before the english translated first act?
Probably yes, we will se.
How long do you believe the second act will take to complete?
We cannot yet say how long it will take, but there is a lot to do.
Is there a specific reason that would force you not to allow any 3rd parties to translate your work, given the fact that the english speaking community is looking forward into trying / playing your mod?
It's not generally against third parties, but for example WalkerInShadows did not even ask before he works on a translation, that's leave a bad impression. Not a good basis for cooperation.
Please let us put an end to this matter. We will see how far a translation is possible.