Oh the offense! The ranks are in GERMAN, NOT Dutch, they are VERY different! So annoying when people think they are the same...
Hi Trademark,

uhm? I thought about writing you a P.M. to that matter, but I think you are maybe not the only one? Percentages are very high, that Dr.Cool comes from the United States of America and so ? talks American English and in American English (and yes it exists do not start the debate) "dutch" does not always mean "someone from the Netherlands" or "the language" it is referred to "deutsch".
So Dr.Cool said: "is that the ranks are in deutsch" ? and he is maybe very aware that these are two different countries, with two different languages and people et cetera
In the U.S. you have for example the so called "Pennsylvania Dutch" what is the correct term for the language spoken by Amish and some Mennonites (even if he came from the Netherlands Carl Menos the founder of that religion, hope I spelled him right) ? and their bibles are till today in German (not dutch

) . So they speak "Pennsylvania Deutsch" not "Pennsylvania Netherlandish".
So if you ever discover an American on the net who throws out words like "dutch" or "the dutchies" and he talks in a very clear German concerning topic ? he does not want to offend anyone or believes that you as a nation does not exist or is the same like Germany? he means "deutsch" and "die Deutschen" and uses his language (with no "eu" or "sch"). He could have also said "gery / gerry/gary" ? what means also German and not Gerhard or something like that, - but that is a world war two term ? so some try do avoid it and so it is not anymore so popular.
And even if you still do not like it.. think about how many say "Yanks" ? I would say any Brit on that board used it at least once in his life and just think about how many people on that board could be offended by that, because they are "no yanks" at all and say:
"Oh, my god you stupid Europeans! You have no clue about history and geographic regions! You should be more interested in other countries on that planet! ? And what you call a Cowboy, dear people from London has nothing to do with a Cowboy at all! That is real serious and hard job, where you need a lot of mind and heart! You respect-less ignorants!"
That would be the same? You know what I mean?
Dr.Cool used "dutch" in best purposes - you just misunderstood him, because you maybe did not know that?

-- So please all people of the Netherlands do not be offended if some American call German "dutch" - and please all Germans as well - who could be offended too - right?