[WIPz] THE ORDER - Fight for the Light! (Thread 2)

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:54 am



The Oblivion modification "The Order" is one of the biggest german mod-projects, that is currently under development. It is a story driven guild-modification that adds a new faction to Cyrodiil, fighting for the Good. Primarily, it is meant for characters like knights and paladins and fits especially to their needs. So this Mod was meant to fill the good-guild-void, Bethesda left in the original game. After release of "Knights of the Nine" we continued our work, because we wanted to create more content for noble characters than "KotN" offered.

Our new faction owns a fortress in the Jerall Mountains of Cyrodiil, which has the size of a standard Oblivion city.
http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Kartenmaterial/KarteCyrodiil.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Kartenmaterial/KarteOrdensfeste.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Kartenmaterial/Locations.jpg
About 100 NPCs in Cyrodiil and in more than 5 new Worldspaces, new creatures and dozens of new weapons and armour (with partially completely new meshes) make this mod as big as promised. A bunch of challenging quests allows the player to rise in the 13 ranks to become a powerful member of The Order.

The mod is developed in german (exept IDs) and so is our homepage http://www.der-orden.de.hm/ and the descriptions of our screenshots. In spite of this you may take a look at our site and the pictures, because a picture tells more than a thousand words. We hope, that our mod will be translated to english after its release. When that time comes, we will ask you for help. Below we translated some information from our homepage and linked some pictures.

If you have any questions, constructive criticism or some ideas please tell us. We will try to respond as well as we can. Please forgive us possible mistakes as we are not native english speakers.


* A new good faction called "The Order" including thirteen ranks to rise in http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Ranks.jpg
* A lot of interesting literature telling you everything you have to know about "The Order"
* 5 new locations in the Tamriel-Worldspace an additional more than 5 extra Worldspaces to explore
* Dozens of new interiors which make possible to enter nearly every corner of the new locations
* All new locations got day-time dependent lighting in exteriors and interiors http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/ordenhalle003.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/OrdensfesteNachts03.jpg
* More than 100 NPCs populating the new locations and dungeons
* Many skillfull re-textured armors and weapons and even some completely new meshes, all of them selfmade by our team
* A bunch of challenging main-quests and even more side-quests
* More than 10 scripted holy spells with new visual effects (partially based on Xilver's work) and amazing effects to your enemies [PICs: see below]
* In addition to the regular mana-based magic the value of devotion determines your ability to cast holy spells
* A new system for filling soulstones (because the usual way by steeling souls with the soultrap-spell is not very noble)
* An additional new alchemy-system, allowing you to brew potions with permanent effect http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Konzepte/KonzeptAlchemie.jpg
* An own guild-internal currency for trading with other members of the Order http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Konzepte/KonzeptVerdienstmarken.jpg
* An upgrade-system for some new armors using 4 different kinds of ore you can mine in special mines, there will also be crystals to be mined for other purposes http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Konzepte/EntwurfKristallminen.jpg


* Creatures created: 88 (new textures and modified meshes)
* NPCs created: 175 (friendly and unfriendly ones)
* Armorpieces added: 175 (including parry-weapons)
* Weapons added: 101 (new textures and new meshes)
* Clothing added: 62 (including amuletes and rings)
* Books an other readable stuff written: 73
* Ingredients created: 55 (including new food)
* Misc Items: 112 (including new soulstone-equivalents and ores)
* Potions made: 34 (with new bottle-meshes and -textures)
* Spells added: 176 (including NPC-only-spells and abilities)
* Scripts written: 300
* New Statics: 540 (including two re-textured Tile-Sets, more to come)
* Activators: 262 (e.g. wells for bailing water)
* Container: 203 (including the new veins of ore and crystal formations)
* Interiors: 158 (only in the current main-esp)
* Worldspaces: 5 (e.g. the Mining Glen, Ferngrove or Witherstone Valley)


The Order's Castle: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/OrdensfesteTalblick04.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Ordensfeste05.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Ordensfeste09.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Ordensfeste12.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/OrdensfesteNachts01.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/OrdensfesteNachts06.jpg
This monumental fortress is the home of the Order in Cyrodiil. Once hidden from the views of simple men by ancient magic it became visible at the end of the period of concealment, when the concealing magic faded away. Now it is visible to everyone as the Order is itself. This changes the self-conception of the Order from a secret society to a paramilitary force devoting its powers to preserve the empire, as it has been doing before in secret from its foundation on.

An Imperial Naval Base: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Brena-Basis01.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Brena-Basis02.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Brena-Basis06.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Brena-Basis07.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Brena-Basis08.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Brena-Basis12.jpg
The Imperial Naval Base located at the estuary of the river Brena into the Abecean Sea is also simply called Brena Base. It is base to four imperial naval combat units that are ordered to patrol the coastline of the western Tamriel with their lightly armed sailing ships, protecting the home waters from smugglers and pirates. They also supply the imperial open sea battlefrigates that can not anchor in the shallow waters at the shore.

Witherstone Castle: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein01.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein02.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein04.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein05.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein06.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Lich01.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein08.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein09.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein10.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein11.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein12.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein13.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/BurgWitterstein14.jpg
The long forgotten Witherstone Valley was once residence of the knightly house of Valentino. After falling from the emperors grace the family was sent into exile and its property was annexed. The few other families who lived in that area moved away. Because the valley was of no economic importance it was not repopulated and fell into desuetude. Now a growing evil seems to have settled down behind the old walls of the Valentino castle and in the depths of the family's mausoleum.

Ferngrove and the Warlock's Tower: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/DerHexer1024x768.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/DerHexer01.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/DerHexer02.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/DerHexer04.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Farnhain01.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Farnhain02.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Farnhain03.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Farnhain04.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Farnhain05.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Farnhain06.jpg
The small municipality of Ferngrove is a peaceful place in the woodlands. An old Warlock-Tower overlooks the village and the farms and its master is barely seen amongst the villagers. Living alone in the topmost chamber of his tower he spent many years with magical research and nobody took care of him. But lately there have been some strange incidents leading to a small catastrophe for the villagers as their village burnt down. Not knowing what to do they turned to the Order.

The Mining Glen: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Minental01.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Minental02.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Minental04.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Minental05.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Minental07.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Minental08.jpg
In the icy north, not far behind the Cyrodiilian border there is a major glen near to the pass to Falcreath. A long time ago a mining corporation started to develop this place and built mines. This corporation was secretly driven by the Order who needed an independent source of ore. After the end of concealment there was no need to keep the disguise up and the corporation was renamed to "Order-owned Mining Initiative". The Order's miners deliver different kinds of ore to the Order's blacksmiths, and also the magical crystals even the Ayleid used can be found in the Mining Glen.

NEW: Enclaves:

Since the Castle in the Jerall Mountains was built the Order maintained 3 Enclaves off the roads for commerce. To the citizens of Cyrodiil, they seemed to be nothing more than inconspicuous farms, but for the Order, they were important for food supply and they give shelter to brethrens that weren't able to reach the Castle. The location of the enclaves all over the climatic zones of the country allow a broad variety of production.

Enclave at river Strid: http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave101.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave102.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave103.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave104.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave105.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave106.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave107.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave108.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave109.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave110.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave111.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave112.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave113.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave114.jpg
The Enclave at the river Strid grows an excellent, sun-blessed wine on the hillside of the river. They process the milk of the sheep into an aromatic cheese and the fine wool is used to manufacture a part of the brethrens' clothes. Wine and cheese is stocked in the cellar under the yard of the enclave. Very flavorsome white mushroom are also growing there. The vegetables in the small gardens beneath the chapel mainly serve to supply the enclave itself. Since the destruction of Kvatch the enclave provides assistance in medical care to the injured people and soldiers of this city.

Enclave at Drakelowe: http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave201.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave202.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave203.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave204.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave205.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave206.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave207.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave208.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave209.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave210.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave211.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave212.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave213.jpg
The mainly by water accessible Enclave at Drakelowe is the granary of The Order. There grows golden wheat on the plateaus, which is processed on-site in the water-powered mill to flour. Beekeepers breed honey bees to obtain honey and beeswax. The honey is used to produce sweet cakes in the bakery in the first floor of the Order's mill, where also a lot of bread is produced to supply the enclaves and the castle. Honey is also used to brew delicious mead which is very popular in the colder castle in the north. The beeswax is processed to candels that light the enclaves and the castle.

Enclave at river Niben: http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave301.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave302.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave303.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave304.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave305.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave306.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave307.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave308.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave309.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave310.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave311.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave312.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Enklave313.jpg
The Enclave at the river Niben in the South uses its fertile grounds to grow rice and vegetables. The Order can always use harvesters that relieve The Order's brethren working on the fields. There is also aquaculture practised to breed delicious Slaughterfishes and clams. The bred Slaughterfishes are less aggressive than their wild conspecifics and much more palatable. The clams sometimes contain valueable perals that can be gainfully sold. And sometimes there can be found goldnuggets in the rivers that wash out veins of gold in it's partially subsurface course.


The devout prayer with animation (to rise devotion-value for casting holy-spells): http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Konzepte/EntwurfGebetHammer.jpg
This spell can only be casted out of combat and has no costs of magicka or devotion. It forces the player to kneel down and to spend 20 seconds concentrating on the prayer. In this time health, magicka and stamina are restored and after finishing the prayer the devotion-value is set back to your current maximum. Is the player attacked while praying he gets up to face the enemy. In this case the devotion does not rise, the player has to finish the prayer later.

New version of the summonable Holy Hammer and new particle effects: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Konzepte/NeueMagieeffekte01.jpg
The Holy Hammer is a very powerful weapon made of pure holy energy, which causes increased damage to undead and has a chance to knock the enemy back. The player can summon it on demand costing only some devotion but to sustain the materialisation of this weapon he has to spend continuous magicka until he either unsummons it or his magicka is depleted. In both cases the Hammer vanishes but can be summoned again. The Holy Hammer can not be summoned when you are guarded by the Divine Protection.

Holy Magic in action (btw displayed armor is not part of the mod): http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Konzepte/NeueMagieeffekte02.jpg
The new effects of the Holy Light. Imagine the shining sphere will travel from the casters hand to its destination leaving some glowing particles floating to the ground. There is as spell named Holy Light as well. It is an intelligent spell that has different effects in regard to the target it hits. Usual undead are killed, hostile humans blinded and friends healed. Casting Holy Light on the remains of undead will resolve them and dissolve the reflection of the soul, the body was once inhabitated by. The energy of this release can be used to charge magical items or to power up some holy spells (soulstone equivalents).

The Purgatory enchains undead and deals moderate damage: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Konzepte/EntwurfFegefeuer.jpg
The Purgatory costs magicka and devotion to cast and is useful to trap single strong enemies. Because you can only enchain one beeing at a time, the casting of this magic is in a situation as shown on the screenshot not very useful. In combat with bosses it will be a great help, granting you some time to take a breath. While enchained the target can not be harmed in any other way. Exception: You can combine Purgatory and Consecration to trap the undead enemy at the consecrated spot increasing the damage he has to suffer while he can not move.

The consecration harms undead who dare to enter the sacred circle: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Konzepte/EntwurfWeihe.jpg (thanks to Xilver for the animated mesh)
The Consecration of an area costs a lot of magicka and devotion, needs the support of an mighty soulreflection (or can be read off an sacred scroll) and only lasts for a short time. But this time should be sufficient to expose every undead beeing within the range to an devastating damage. The appropriate action against masses of undead charging at you.

The Divine Protection grants a high resistance to spells and weapons but consumes continuous magicka: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Konzepte/NeueMagieeffekte03.jpg
The Divine Protection is the counterpart of the Holy Hammer. It can not be casted when the Hammer is summoned and vice versa. Like the Hammer it costs devotion to be casted and magicka to be sustained. Rising in the Order's ranks enhances the effect of this spell (and of all other spells of the Holy Magic). On highest rank Divine Protection grants almost complete invulnerability to weapons and spells. Standing under this protection any other use of magic is impossible as long as the spell is lasting. The protection vanishes on demand or when magicka is depleted.


The Rune-system is rather a gimmick than an important gameplay feature.

What are Runes in our mod? http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Runen01.jpg
Runes are special stones with engraved magical symbols. They can be used to store magical energy. When charging a Rune with magic, the spell will be enhanced and can be recalled at any time, causing the Runestone to break when it releases it's stored magic. There are to kinds of Runes: Casting Runes and Enchanting Runes. Using Casting Runes releases the magic at a target or at the caster himself. Enchanting Runes can transferre the stored magic to items applying new enchantments to them.

What is the value of Runes? http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Runen02.jpg
Characters not trained in magical skills can enhance their poor spells by channeling them into Runes. It is even possible to create Runes from Magical Scrolls. This way a character doesn't even have to know the spell he wants to enhance. It's also possible to change offensive magic into defensive Enchanting Runes to upgrade armors. The disadvantage is that Runes destroy theirselves after use and that their creation is restricted by the needed ressources.

How to create Runes
To create a Rune suitable stones must be found at first. These stones can be mined from ore veins we add together with our new mining system. Rare kinds of ore (such as Adamant...) have a greater chance to contain raw runestones. The raw runestones can be processed at a Mineral-Workbench providing 1-3 Empty Runestones for every raw stone. The next step is to put a Empty Runestone in a special apparatus, the Rune Generator, using special Rune Tongs.

The Rune Generator http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Runen-Konstruktor-Gross.gif
After the Empty Runestone is placed in this device the creation modus should be selected. The Generator can generate either Casting Runes or Enchanting Runes. Once the desired kind of Runes is selected the charging can begin. To charge the Rune a spell must be cast at the Generator. It focuses the magical energy into the Rune. Afterwards the finished Rune can be obtained from the device. As the Rune Magic is a rather unimportant branch of The Order's magical research it is not yet perfected. Thus not every spell can be transferred into runes. Casting the wrong spell may cause the Empty Runestone to break.


The Henchman's Hide: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/OrdensruestungHandlanger.jpg
The Fighter's Tunic: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/OrdensruestungStreiter.jpg
The Brethren's Battlecowl: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/OrdensruestungBruder.jpg
The Warrior's Warsuit: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/OrdensruestungKrieger.jpg
The Knight's Plate: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/OrdensruestungRitter.jpg
The Knight's Weapons: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/OrdenswaffenRitter.jpg
Ceremonial Longsword and Shield: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/sunblade.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/sunkeeper.jpg
The Purgator: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/WaffenPurgator01.jpg
The Purgator is the holy weapon of the Envoys of Light, arised brethren of the Order, very powerful higher beeings, sometimes interfering with the world below. This celestial sword can only be wield by them.
The Crystalblades: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/crystalblades.jpg

SCREENSHOTS: THE BAD BOYS AND THE GOOD ONES (some people you might meet)

The necromancers of Master Vermatras: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Wallpaper01-1024x768.jpg http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Wallpaper02-1024x768.jpg
The vampires of the ancient House of Valoron: http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Valoron-Vampire01.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Valoron-Vampire02.jpg
Some really evil guys you don't want to meet: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Teaser/Feinde01.jpg
The Envoys of Light, arised brethren of the Order, very powerful higher beeings, sometimes interfering with the world below: http://orden.xerxes-design.de/img/Wallpaper03-1024x768.jpg


Nickname - Function
Xerxes - Teamleader, 3D/2D-Artist, Story, Concepts, Level-Design
Haldor - Co-Teamleader, 2D-Artist, Story, Concepts, Level-Design
Trebron - Worldspace- & Level-Design, Concepts
Kenet Korva - Level-Design
Xartas - Level-Design
Brachial - 3D/2D-Artist, Trailer
Sagantor - Level-Design, Quests
Uriel Septim VII - Level-Design

Former contributors and freelancers:

Lazarus - 3D/2D-Artist
Trr Kah - Horse System
Beolo - Music


"Adash - Stadt der Magie" by LordKain
"Nehrim - At fates edge" by SureAI
"Ivellon" by Lazarus
"Orden des Drachen" by Rung
"Deathtrap Dungeon" by Brachial

Do you want to know more about this mods? Search for them @ youtube!


http://www.der-orden.de.hm/ (german)
http://youtube.com/OrdenTeam (just one rather old one at the moment)
http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Trailer/DerOrdenTrailer01HR.avi (Rightklick, save as...)
German Discussion Threads: http://www.nirn.de/forums/oblivion/thread.php?threadid=8721&page=1 | http://scharesoft.de/joomla/forum/showthread.php?t=4889 | http://www.multimediaxis.de/showthread.php?t=93327
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:55 am

Hope the mod is going well for you as my paladin can't wait to join this faction. Good luck with it
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:29 am

So how's progress coming along?
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:59 am

They are still at it YAHEY :goodjob:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:30 am

This looks incredible!

I really hope there is an English translation of this when it's finished. I generally don't play as paladin type characters but I'd start one for this!
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:04 am


Progress is going well. While the enclave's locations are nearly finished, we continue with implementing already elaborated NPCs (approx. 20 in the first act) quest and dialogues. The development of our Holy Magic is also going on. We added new visual effects to almost every spell of our magic. Some examples can be seen here: http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/NeuerWeiheeffekt.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/NeueMagieeffekte.jpg http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/NeueGebetseffekte.jpg
Please note, that all effects are animated. We are going to produce a video which will show this more clearly.

We also developed a new crafting system for weapons and armors using our new ores and other ressources like leather or cloth. While there will be 4 different kinds of letaher and cloth, there will be 17 different alloys of metal that can be produced in a furnace from the raw ore. http://ms.jplambeck.de/Oblivion/Schmiedesystem01.jpg
Holy Magic and smithing will be available in act II at the earliest.

With kind regards, Haldor.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 10:46 pm

That just makes me want this mod even more.
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:40 am

Awesome! The new effects for holy magic are particularly great, some of the best Ive seen. Keep it up!
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:49 am

We need a mod for Paladins to go bad, ala Arthas.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:37 am

This one just may force my paladin out of retirement.
He's getting bored sitting at home polishing his weapons and armour. :angel:
Good luck with it. It looks like this could be the mod of the year.
Looking forward to it.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:48 am

This mod looks fantastic.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:45 am

This really seems to be all a Paladin could ever want!
Shikishima, I promise to get my Holy Butcher ready for this mod! ;)

Greetz! Darina
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:12 pm

looks really great! can't wait till some images of the new castle architecture* you makes shows up. I found one image of some sort of main building on your website, and that looked really really cool. So I can't wait to see the rest.

*may be misspelled :P
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Helen Quill
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:33 am

How goes the progress with the mod overall? And more importantly well this be translated to english?
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:33 am

Really looking forward to this mod...
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:53 pm

How goes the progress with the mod overall? And more importantly well this be translated to english?

This project still going on or is it discontinued?
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elliot mudd
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:59 pm

This project still going on or is it discontinued?

Yes, really. This is amazing work, some truly beautiful stuff here. Is this going to be completed? (Hopefully, translated, but my German is sufficient to muddle through. Maybe.)

Please finish this!
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:54 am

The mod looks imba pwnsorz, but..... it looks like it's a German mod, and, theres allot of us here at the forum, and just people that play the game, that only speak English, or have English as their 2nd language. Would be pwnsorz to translate it, so more people will download it, but maybe they have already thought of that^^
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:21 am

How about everyone goes and learns German, by the time the mod is released, we will all be fluent :P

Hallo, Ich kann nicht spreche deutsch, aber ich can englische spreche!
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:45 am

We hope, that our mod will be translated to english after its release. When that time comes, we will ask you for help.

A quote from the first post...

Of course we still work on the mod.

How about everyone goes and learns German...

Nice idea! So what do you wait for? ;)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:09 am


Theres no need to be afraid that we stopped development just because of a few days of silence from our side. At the moment we concentrate on finishing dialogues and quests for the first act. This is a piece of work you can not display easily using screenshots. Thus we will remain silent a little bit longer until act 1 is finished.

I dont think it is useful to translate act 1 separately when we release the german version, because we are going to build the following acts on top in the same file. I suggest to wait with a translation until we completed the whole mod. But this will surely take some time. Meanwhile you may try out the german version. It will be a challange to master quests you dont understand. ;)

With kind regards, Haldor.
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Lucie H
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:18 pm

I am confident that this project will be finished, Haldor. I am also certain that it's going to be an amazing experience playing The Order. My german is sufficient enough to play the german version, so I don't have to wait as long as some others! Keep up the good work! :foodndrink:
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:54 am

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Marta Wolko
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:41 am


They would not fit to the order of our mod. Our order is knightly, the helmets from the video look rather barbaric.
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neil slattery
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:44 pm

They would not fit to the order of our mod. Our order is knightly, the helmets from the video look rather barbaric.


Anyways, how goes Act 1?
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Samantha hulme
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