Hey guys it's GILTSPIRE, haven't posted in a while but have looked on in intrest. But unfortunately, the original posters have left and the forums are in most cases dead. They are now either littered with hateful comments of people who don't know the meaning of creating a game or by the new comers who have finally arrived to the party a little too late. And I hate to say it, but in some cases I even miss that son of a #%^*+ troll (if you've been here long enough you know who). But in any case, people who are still playing this unpolished diamond and visiting the forums good luck to you, most people have moved on. Keep on playing for as long as you can, I know I'll come back for a visit. So keep your gun up and your energy high for I'll be coming for you. Good luck, peace out, and have a nice day this will be the last post from the S2K member GILTSPIRE.
P.S for those who don't know me ask around. And for those who don't know S2K be glad you didnt face us. I'll probably comment on some of your posts and who knows maybe something will spark my intrest on this forum, or game that will make me want to post again. Once again good luck, good day, and peace out...oh and haters keep out.