The origins of Draemora and the Disappearance of the Dwemer

Post » Sun Feb 07, 2016 5:14 am

I can't help but notice that the Draemora, the humanoid Daedra, bear an uncanny resemblance to the elves of Tamriel. I wonder if there's a connection between them and the Dwemer, which disappeared, supposedly, after angering a Daedric Prince. Could there be a connection between the two? I don't find it too long a stretch to imagine that Draemora might in fact be the offspring of the Dwemer, assuming they disappeared by being banished into Oblivion. If there is a connection, I'd really love to see it explored further in ES6. Hell, even if this is not the case, I could very well imagine a nutty scholar coming up with the theory and having related quests in ES6.

Does anyone have any knowledge on the subject? Could there be a connection?

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Richard Thompson
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