» Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:10 am
Some really weird happenings today in Crusader Kings.
The Kingdom of Poland kinda "collapsed" I put that in quotations since the title lived on. See, I finally decided to go about claiming the title Duke of Silesia so I go to war with the Duke of Less Poland. This brings the whole Kingdom of Poland into it. Anyway, I'm once again whooping ass like a mofo, and all of a sudden the Duchy of Lesser Poland becomes independent, and goes to war with the Kingdom of Poland. I was all "lol wut" and decided to make peace with Lesser Poland. Still couldn't get the title of Duke of Silesia, though.
Anyway, Lesser Poland fights the Kingdom of Poland for awhile before they finally agree to peace. I still hadn't agreed to peace with the Kingdom of Poland, so, being weakened as they were, I struck at their weaker northern border. The Tribe of the Lithuanians decided to get in on the action, too, and then the Kingdom of Poland collapsed, and the Kingdom of Hungary came back, with the King of Poland and Hungary being the same guy.
I was all "hell no", but couldn't do much about it. The Duchy of Pecs was a powerhouse under Hungary-Poland, and I was having some internal problems with the Duke of Austria, who bordered on Pecs. Luckily, proper application of money and fostering changed that, and I settled in to draw up plans to get that title of Silesia!
So, the Duchy of Lesser Poland had, in the mean time, gotten curbstomped by the Lithuanians, and was stuck in a little corner of land with no relation to Poland at all. I was like "ok, lets do this" so I declared war, and marched 10,000 men to fight his meager army of 900 or so. It wasn't even a battle. Quick victory signal, a siege, and bam! Sued for peace, got the title, and went home.
In the mean time, Hungary-Poland was being an [censored], so I got indignant and decided to go to war with those bastard. It. Went. Awesome. After I brought all of the Kingdom of Hungary and its vassals to war, I had the Duchy of Austria and its vassals lead attacks on the western front, on Pecs. It didn't take long for Pecs to want a White Peace with me, so I basically took them out of the war. Then, with my main province Bohemians, the Duchy of Silesia (I bestowed the title on the rightful heir, the Count of Upper Silesia), and the Duchy of Morava, I swept down into Eztergom and proceeded to jack [censored] up for the Kingdom of Hungary-Poland, and brought the entire region to its knees, controlling the ENTIRE demesne of the King oh Hungary-Poland (which made up a good majority of its entire provinces).
The northern front, near the Baltic Sea, also went pretty well, but was pretty subdued. Led a few attacks, and managed to snag the title of Duke of Pomerania (which the King of Bohemia is holding for the foreseeable future), and got a new vassal, the Count of Danzig.
Unfortunately, I didn't have any claims to the King of Hungary-Poland's land, so I had to settle for a minor bit of tribute.
Oh, and the King of Bohemia died, throwing the lands into peril again as the heir had to spend a ton of money to placate the nobles. Luckily, kinda, one noble (who controlled one of the "crown" provinces) wouldn't make peace, so I got another piece of land for my king's demesne.
I'm pretty pleased with myself. And I haven't assassinated anyone lately, either!
I'm now casting my eyes on Bavarian and Swabian lands. But I'm hesitant to go to war with the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. the Emperor (King of Germany and forty other titles) can bring over 90,000 men to the front. My wars with Hungary-Poland kinda depleted my forces a bit, and I can only bring about 41,000.