Woot. My Crusader Kings is on the way! Soon I will be able to post here about my adventures in the game, from a complete newbies perspective. Going to be awesome ^^
Three words of warning:
You. Will. Lose.
Seriously, the game is so complicated you'll be marching all your troops in a bid to capture a nearby place and then your entire kingdom revolts because your king murdered his infant son in a fit of schizophrenic rage and got excommunicated. Then, because your king is excommunicated, EVERYONE ELSE in the world gets a claim on your demesne, promptly declares war, and your entire army will be fighting off an invasion force, but it's very weakened because of the civil war, and finally, the last of your demesne is occupied, and you lose.
Don't get frustrated- get even. For example, with HoI3, my armies are getting their butts handed to them by forces 10% their size, because I researched wrong. Now, however, I've restarted, and my armies will be unstoppable, because I know how to play. It takes a few games to get started. It IS easier from EU3 to Vicky II, but CK and HoI3 are pretty much their own areas- much more focused.
People have asked for a review of HoI3, so here it is-
It's much harder to learn. The game is completely focused on war. EU3 and Vicky are about many more things, but HoI 3 is like waging war in those on steroids. The entire game is building up to the outbreak of war- unless you select one of the "war-in-progress" starting times. All technology is geared towards war. There is little population management. There is no building beyond that which is required by war. All events, all decisions, EVERYTHING is towards war. And unlike EU3, it usually has the tendency to march on pretty close to history (namely because most decisions are coded to re-enact historical events, like the annexation of Austria, Britain and France's guarantees towards Poland, etc.
Thing is, if you start in the earliest start, unless you're one of the countries actively engaged in war at first, you're looking at three years mimimum till war breaks out- and instead of days, months, years, like in EU3 and Vicky II, you have HOURS, days, months, years. It's alot slower from year to year- months are the new years, as I said.
That said, if you want to focus on a specific element, all you have to do is tell your AI to automate aspects. Technology, production, even the military can all be automated. And because the map consists of thousands of provinces, it's very, very helpful. But naturally, it IS AI, and it has limitations- I have not found a satisfactory way to tell it to transport reinforcements to Britain, for example.