» Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:29 am
Personally I wouldn't mind a start where I'm in a super mutant pen and flesh out my stats and backstory through a conversation with another character. I escape, they die. Then I'm free to roam the waste with no backstory and absolute freedom. I can establish my own home, settlement, try to unify the waste,m for good or bad, raid it, enslave it, or just stay a loner. My decisions affect my relationship with a myriad of factions and the companions that want to work with me, love me, or are my hated enemies. No main quest, just a plethora of well designed side quest chains. Indepth crafting, solid and robust settlement management and diplomacy.
The thing is what you've got here are six of one and half a dozen of another. I would love a fallout game like that, but the amount of posters claiming "there is nothing to do", "Bethesda skimped on quests and writing", demands for a prewar DLC to tell them their backstory, would flood the boards. No matter which way the coin lands Bethesda unfortunately is going to be made out to be the loser either way.