Thank you DieBySword. I'm tired of seeing blind whining about the Destruction damage output.
- Potion (Deadly Aversion to Shock) layed on an arrow to increase Shock Weakness 100%.
- Apply Fortify Destruction potion that makes spells 162% Stronger.
- Go Sith Lord on Dragon
- Profit!
Really, alchemy is the key here that allows magic to surpass a lot of melee damage. And magic
has the benefit of being ranged. This allows magic to be 100% more useful in situations were
melee is completely inefficient (flying dragons for example). I'm sure you can couple this with
some enchanted gear and just laugh your way through the game blowing up anything in your path.
Magic is about damage AND utility. While melee is really just about how hard you can hit something.
Even if you can somehow outdamage magic by use of melee, the fact that melee has very little utility
compared to a fully stocked mage acts as a class balance. At least that's how I see it.
So, Destruction is now also about utility? Good one. There's also no Destruction potion that ups your damage by 162%, the average is 20% and vendors sometimes sell those that are up to 35%. If he is seriously suggesting maxing out Alchemy just to create an extremely limited duration potion, then that's even more fail than suggesting to exploit Enchanting.|
Everytime a topic like this is created, the Bethesda apologist, elitist trolls jump on board and act like everyone else is clueless, and then list all of the prerequisites needed to make a crappy tree barely function, while conveniently ignoring the fact that it's still the weakest for damage compared to everything else.
Being "weaker" is fine too, but the degree that it's currently at is not acceptable at all. Please ignore the damage that NPC mages do compared to the player, while most physical NPCs do comparable damage as the player or less unless it's a boss. Yeah, but that would be using LOGIC, and that's too much work.