Randomperson: Destruction svcks, it does no damage once I hit X level and I keep running out of mana!
Nonmagicplayer: LOL, ur a nub, L2p, Mages r not supposed 2 one-shot stuff. If u want 2 do that, turn down difficulty!
Randomperson: Uh, I don't want to one-shot anything, I just want my damage magic to actually damage things and it doesn't do that very well!
Elitistapologist: All you need to do is max out Enchanting and then you can stunlock everything.
Randomperson: I don't want to have to use some other random tree just to get another to even work at all, that doesn't make sense.
Elitistapologist: You can't expect to beat the game with just one skill. Warriors NEED Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy, Restoration, Archery, Heavy Armor and a sword and a shield or they cannot possibly get by!
Randomperson: My damage isn't even anywhere comparable to melee or archery damage though. I do more damage with a bow!
Elitistapologist: You don't have to get close though, so you have the ranged advantage!
Randomperson: My Warrior kills anything in 1-3 hits, and it doesn't matter if I have to get close or not, because I'm at the armor cap and don't take any damage anyway!
Elitistapologist: You have the ranged advantage and can stunlock enemies for ten minutes.
Randomperson: Archery does more damage and has better range. I don't need to "stunlock" anything with it when I can just kill something outright.
Elitistapologist: You have the ranged advantage over melee and can stunlock for ten minutes!
Randomperson: ...