once you hit lvl 100 and perk what you wanted your level of dmg will stop rising.
If you trully scaled like you like to think then if you hit 100 skill in archery and perked it on say lvl 25 and do 100 dmg without smithing/enchanting/alchemy then the same bow on your char lvl 50 should do 300 dmg. Does it work that way - anser is no your still at 100 dmg.
Your meele/archery dosnt scale its you who works on upgrading your dmg not the game making it better just by leveling.
The same goes with destro once I perk the dmg perks my destro wont do more dmg. I need to work on my own to make my dmg greater the same way you need yet you guys are hell bent on denying destro mages that privilage.
Destro scales in one area only, and that is the +50% damage perk.
Melee/archers scale with their +100% damage perk, AND they scale from 1-100 skill level as well.
Even without enchanting/smithing/alchemy they scale better than magic.
With those skills, melee and archery can get +160% damage from enchanting and +roughly 50% of their weapon's damage from smithing.
So, both before and after those crafting trees are applied, melee and archery scale better than destruction.