But anyways, heres some more songs that would fit even better:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G25ZWp7C7yA << This one especially though the lyrics don't fit. Sound like they do though.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVAQQujgSxQ (not folk metal but beast none the less)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FP_yFIvQgo (anything by Moonsorrow would fit well)

Actually depending on what you listen to growling can fit extremely well with the music (some bands overdo it though or they just plain svck at it and are just doing it for giggles). Although it also helps to be very very used to it. LIke me. I can understand even the dirtiest growling, so may be I'm a bit bias.
Your post reads like a list of my favorite songs ("War of the Gods" being my absolute favorite). I agree that "The Longest Journey" is more subtle (subtle isn't the right word, maybe adventure-y), but I just think that the end of the world theme of "From Afar" fits Skyrim well.