I thought it was about time to create a more positive thread about Skyrim's playability, RP(I know the term RP can be debated), locations, lore and freeform adventuring.
I am sick and tired of all the threads bringing up Skyrim flaws and shortcomings. Don't get me wrong, many of these threads evolve into good and deep discussions of Skyrim's playability and RP-value. And in many cases this is legitimate concerns. That's the beauty of the Elder Scrolls forums, maybe one of the best game-forums when it comes to in depth discussions. There are plenty of others threads that cover the lack of branching questlines, consequences or interesting NPCs...
But In my opinion we need a thread that enhances the great possibilities and freedom in Skyrim. The very thing that makes Skyrim stand out in the world of games. I don't mean this to be a "praise the game or get lost" - thread, but I hope the main focus is all the opportunities this game offers and not its shortcomings.
I will however have a poll that will show the main view of Skyrim as a game.
Now, in my opinion, one of the most positive things about Skyrim are the many possibilities and the power of shaping the destiny for your character. The freedom to do what you want with him/her. These types of threads that go in depth with Skyrim's opportunities are sadly lacking.
Personally I have a couple of short examples:
The Thieves Guild provide an interesting book called
When it comes to shaping your characters skills, there are ways to make her/him dependant on that skill. I.e. pick perks from Block instead of Light Armor and not lvl Health too much will make it necessarry to raise the shield to avoid damage instead of just taking blows to the body. I have done this myself and makes a Axe/Sword and shield - char so much more rewarding.
There are many more examples of course..
Hope you share all your experiences and what you think makes Skyrim a good game. But we need good discussions too. And a good discussion can't survive without differing opinions.