» Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:36 am
I REALLY liked this game! Unlike most aholes here, i think it was a great game. Console Port? SO WHAT! There was a kick-ass story and action, and it's not like there was horrible gameplay. Sure, there were bugs, but were they game-breaking? Sure, there's no DX11 support, but seriously, what does it matter? What do you get from having DX11? A few graphical updates? Better particles? And is Cryteck really a sellout? Because they made the game more linear and moved to consoles? Yeah, it would have been nice if there were these huge open maps that you could do almost anything you wanted, but Crysis 2 doesn't have them because Crysis 1 had trees and huts, but New York has Buildings, street carts, subways, buildings falling apart and even falling down, and a whole bunch of crap. Hey, play the modern warfares, battlefield, whatever, and you'll see that they're typical war games. Crysis 2 is WAY different than those. Maybe people should actually accept that Crytec put all their effort into this, and labored intensively to give you an awesome game.