So, you can have six, but you can't go see Freddy vs. Jason. Oh, I love the logic behind it all. :tops:
Just like you can fight and die for your country, but you can't drink beer. (At least in the U.S.)
Well, Freddy and Jason is Violence vs. six. An apt anology would be, you can have six, but you can't go see Showgirls. LOL.
The second bit brings to mind that old dike Gregory quote, "so the young people were going around picketing and protesting, saying 'if we can be sent to die at 18 we demand the right to vote at 18.' I said don't be no damn fool. If you can be sent to die at 18, you'd better fight to be able to vote by 17!"
I don't know how, in the midst of all the prostest for voting rights, they didn't get drinking etc. thrown into the bargain. You can smoke at 18, and that's much more detrimental on individual health.