the power of the mine

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:09 pm

my character is a simple one, a girl who after some traumatic events only trusts the rifle on her back, the sawn off in her belt and the knife in her boot. but i know there are things out there that are beyond even these weapons, and even worse some which can't be outrun [deathclaws/reavers i'm looking at you]. but she recently looted these frag mines and even tho frisbeeing attempts have so far proved unsuccessful they still remain on paper the most powerful weapon beyond her regular loadout. i'm curious for tips to best harness their destructive power.

anyway my question is if youve got hotkeyed (no pipboy during combat)

>hunting rifle 10 rounds
>sawn off 50 rounds
>combat knife
>10 frag mines

and a deathclaw up the road that is yet to notice you but the only way thru is to defeat it, what is the best way to go about this?
[this is a fictional scenario, i'm just preparing myself for later in this playthru. also i play on hard on xbox]

i was wondering can i throw all my mines in one spot thus creating the same boom as a bottlecap mine?

those who focus on explosives builds, how do you do it??
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Floor Punch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:09 am

You can multiply the damage by putting more mines at the same spot... I usually put a buncha mines, fire a shot at the deathclaw or reavers and run in the opposite direction. they end up blowing them selves up... though reavers you really need like gazzillion bullets
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:31 am

Demolition Expert + 3 perk.
Explosives 100.
High perception.

For Deathclaws and Reavers, I always shoot them in the leg first to cripple them, then concentrate fire to the head.
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:48 pm

those who focus on explosives builds, how do you do it??

I loot, buy, steal, trade for and build all of the mines/grenades I can possibly get. I get my Explosives and Sneak skills up to 100 as quickly as possible and take Silent Running and all three ranks of the Demolition Expert perk. I collect all three schematics for Bottlecap Mines and Nuka Grenades before I start building them so as not to waste any materials. With most foes, I just toss a few grenades their way and they're gone. A single Nuka-Grenade can take out many Raiders if they're clustered together. With stronger enemies like Deathclaws, Overlords and Behemoths, I drop a few mines and get their attention, then run. If you need a longer headstart, cripple them with the Dart Gun first and watch them limp into your field of destruction.
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El Goose
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:52 am

Here's another tip about that scenario:

Be just inside the outer range of your farthest reaching weapon. Lay three frag mines at your feet. Sneak shot the DC. Still in sneak mode, haul ass about 30 yards even farther back than your first position. The DC (or any enemy for that matter) will move to your first position. DC will trigger mines. If they don't kill it, finish it off.

I often lay elaborate mine trap fields, pop up and fire a shot in the air to attract attention, and then let the hilarity ensue. The entire time, I am waiting at the end of my mine "funnel" with Eugene to mop up. I just wish we could lie prone.....
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:19 am

Collect three bottlecap mine schematics, horde all materials until you have V.3 schematic.

Craft with triple output. 1 set of materials = 3 mines

demolition expert (3)

KA-BOOM. :nuke:

Whatever lives after the first bottle cap mine should be crippled and pretty easy to take down with smaller arms.

Bottlecap mines are almost a cheat. B)

Try a straight explosive character! It a BLAST!
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:42 am

Early/mid game I use mines to take care of giant rad scorpions when they start showing up (Yoa Gai as well until I find a weopon that can take care of it more easily). They are pretty quick and seem to notice me in sneak mode easier than most critters, the mines don't often kill them but do a lot of damage to their legs and slow them down so they can be easily finished off with a small gun etc.

I often find those giant scorpions in pairs though, this is when I may need to backtrack dropping mins as I go (just watch out for the cliff behind you!)

My favourite explosive is the Nuka Grenade at the moment, I like the blue flame and VATS animation for explosives is fun :)
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kirsty williams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:54 am

Yes, Bottlecap mines will definitely mess up a deathclaw's day. And they're easy enough to find, I think there's three of them in the Super Duper Mart alone.
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