Just noticed this option in the loading menu that gives you an overview of the story. Weird thnig is it says that the only 2 Nanosuit Soldiers to survive the island war were Prophet and Psycho. No mention of Nomad despite him surviving the original only to be killed in a comic series of all things (talk about dropping the ball crytek) between the end of the first game and the leadup to the second.
Why does it seem like Crytek are basically writing Nomad out of the storyline despite him being a main part of the first game?
The weird thing is it even mentions Jester and Cortez in pictures but nothing about Nomad...
Really bugged me in Crysis 2 how the story seemed totally disjointed, the least they could have done was some sort of video showing what happened between the years of Crysis and Crysis 2 explaining what happened to Nomad and the evolution of the Ceph.