The Primary Conveyance

Post » Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:22 pm

How do you get to the Eyes of the Falmer? You raid a dungeon.

How do you Hunt down a vampire for Morthal? You raid a dungeon.

How do you slay Potema? You raid a dungeon.

How do you help Meridia? You find a rock, and if you don't ignore it because why do you follow me damnit, you raid a dungeon.

How do you help Hircine? You hunt a deer, then raid a dungeon.

How do you help Malacath? You gather some items then you raid a dungeon.

In the event this hasn't sunk in, allow me to add some more.

How to help the mage's college? You raid a dungeon.

how do you help the greybeards retrieve the horn? You raid a dungeon.

How do you help those idiots in the town outside markarth who were booted out of thei mine by Forsworn? You raid a dungeon.

From Skuldafn to Bleak Falls Barrow, from Saarthal to Irkingthand, from Alftand to Bloodskal barrow, you'd be a fool to say that the main place for where gameplay occurs is not in the dungeons. There are exceptions, yes, and those stick out from the constant hum-drum of going in, find the loot, pick the locks, fight the boss, rinse and repeat with just enough variation.

Yes, there are dungeons which arent just roller coaster rides spitting out loot chests at the end, but they are few and far between and aren't where it counts. I think there is a fundamental problem with the way that this is, and only wish to know how many agree that this is ultimately boring, limiting in playstyles and replayability, and what others think on the issue of dungeons as the main area for anyone and everyone.

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Post » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:45 pm

This has been talked about since day one. A lot of players have serious grievances with Skyrim's dungeon-oriented quest design.

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Queen of Spades
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Post » Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:18 am

So anyone can be a critic...

Ok, so if they didn't default to dungeons, how would you as a dev, redesign those popular quests so players character DOES not (have to) go into dungeons?

These are fantasy games afterall, so devs are only limited by imagination right?

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Mark Churchman
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Post » Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:27 am

If no supplies and little man power what's your best bet? Fortify a dungeon. I like to think of it that way.
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emily grieve
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Post » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:57 pm

I'm playing through Oblivion right now and I'm getting sent to a lot of dungeons in that game too. I think this is to be expected in a roleplaying game. They may have overdone it a bit in Skyrim, but it's not like this is some wholly new development.

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Richard Dixon
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Post » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:45 am

So Skyrim is a dungeon crawler. Best dungeon crawler I've ever played
But if you roleplay and don't do quests.... you can avoid dungeons.
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Post » Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:13 am

After a few quests in dungeons, I get a bit claustrophobic and start panicking.

I sometimes forget I have a map.

The maps in Skyrim anger me so much.
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Juan Cerda
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