Hardware variation is a given for rig diversity, people have different monitors, GPUs, processors, RAM. Allowing an advanced config in-game for the system settings that are accessible via console would allow players to better tailor their game to their machine. While a one-size-fits-all option works for homogenized games systems, it doesn't work when hardware is diverse.
The options for configuration that are needed in the GUI.
(Basically everything that is found in wasdie's config setup)
- -Bloom
-FOV - up to 90 (anything after that becomes quite distorted, first person models especially)
-HDR Level
-Anisotropic/Bilinear/Trilinear (though the two former are rather outdated)
-VSync (toggle)
-Color Grading
Also: Please fix the bloom on the daytime skyboxes. They're atrociously bright.