Open World: the last 3 Elder Scrolls games were all set in a single zone... ESO spans an entire continent, so while it might be 'reasonable' for you to walk from one end of 'the entire map' in the former, that is not the same as being able to do the same in the latter. You cant freely travel between zones until you have completed the quest gates because there is a war on, and havent you ever heard of border security?!? Also this is an MMO with non-scaled enemies so... yeah that would be pretty dumb, immersion not-withstanding.
Factions: Races: regardless of your faction you will encounter friendly NPCs of all races... just because the MAJORITY of the factions are made up of the 3 principle races does not mean 100% of their makeup must consist of only those 3 races. So, you are wrong to say this is not immersive.
Faction Standing: if you mean allowing PvP in the opposing faction PvE zones, how about a big fat no? You've got an entire province to do PvP in, there is no need to go ganking the other factions on their home turf, like some kind of terrorist!
Combat: Im sorry were you playing Skyrim with a force-feedback mouse, because if not then the 'feel' you talk about was all in your head.
Griefing: I bet youre the kind of player who complained about not being allowed to kill children in Skyrim too.
Death: every time you die, delete one of your items or slap yourself in the face if you are determined to be a masochist. This also has nothing to do with 'immersion'.
Conclusion: you have some pretty wrong-headed and unpopular opinions here. You dont have to play ESO if its not for you, but frankly your suggested changes are terrible, pointless, and totally ignore the fact that ESO is not a single player sandbox game but an MMO.