Pvp has sufficient penalty in the fact that you lost and died to a real person.
Pvp has sufficient penalty in the fact that you lost and died to a real person.
Whenever I see a post that starts with "most of us", I cringe. Quantitative claims require quantitative evidence... which you can't provide. (No, a forum poll doesn't count. Selection bias.)
And when I get to "it's not what I was expecting", I stop reading.
This is about YOU, hon. Not me. Not lots of us. And if your expectations were off the mark, how is that somebody else's fault?
I was immersed to the degree and in the ways I wanted to be. And enjoyed the game if anything more than I expected
Suffice to say, you die twice with the same gear? You're broke, no easier way to say it.
EDIT: I rather actually build another set, it may come out cheaper sometimes....
He meant your opinions are horrendous, don't emphasize so much on the "little time" thats left.
I was fully immersed while playing too, but i would not mind any of these changes. I would especially be excited for being able to use abilities any time instead of just a target. This would add some more ability to miss also and would raise the skill cap of the game. So yes please.
you see if people talk long enough they are bound to find some common ground lol
No need to NDA me.
I may or may not have knowledge and my opinion stands. I disagree.
Hell no regarding corpse runs. Those were annoying back in EverQuest and as much as I'd love to get some elements from those days back, corpse runs aren't among them for sure.
I was actually NDA'ing myself haha, sorry if you didn't caught that.
What I mean is that the gold you earn vs the repair cost, will SLAUGHTER you early on, hypothetically, let's say I earn 500g, if I die twice during the time frame of earning that 500g, I would, hypothetically, have to pay 300g to repairs alone....
Also lets remember that equipment degrades as you go, dying just cuts you even deeper in your pocket, maintenance costs are pretty steep as well, not really unable to afford, but you will feel it.
I guess it might depend what level you're at and how quickly you're making progress. It may be possible to level up enough to replace gear before anything breaks.
Nobody knows what it's going to be like yet at higher levels, in any case.
Open World: Ok
Faction: So if I decide to walk next door and attack my neighbor I can't because of the invisible wall that separates us? And you're forgetting about the hours of fun that go into defending your home territories...and I did mention a faction based pvp flagging sysem based on territories. Seems simple enough to do exactly what wow did concerning pvp flagging.
Combat: If you don't understand what I am talking about there really is no point in explaining it to you. As far as the kid killing? I thought about it but it wasn't really necessary.
Death: You wouldn't know immersion if it bit you in the ass.
Conclusion: Just because something is popular does not make it right. Just means you have a lot of wrong people.
Just Play Mortal Online. problem solved.
Why not delete the whole character automatically on death and be done with it.
Heard that looked good. I am pretty excited for Black Desert and Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Both look to have potential.
Wouldn't word the conclusion like that.
More like:
Just because something is accepted as the current standard doesn't mean it's best practice. It might just mean that people are afraid of deviating from something they are comfortable with.
Apparently its not 'immersion' unless the game does it for you, removing the choice to wuss out and forcing it on everyone else just so you can feel better about being a masochist.
Is immersion when you look up at the clock and realize you have been playing for 6 hours and your butt hurts?
Heck screw ESO, go on the real world, eliminate all guns and all sort of tech, make biological DNA modification to allow fire to be casted by people..
There's immersion.
Look we all like immersion, but wake up a bit, you want real world rules on some stuff while not on others, the game is made to have FUN, immersion helps that, rules that prevent FUN but promote "immersion", do not.
It's about a sense of accomplishment when something goes your way and loss when it doesn't. Is that really so hard to see? If the line between risk and reward is really that close together then all you achieve is monotony. How about we try something. Rather than letting sarcastic garbage fall from your face you add something. Such as this would/would not work because...or perhaps even an alternative? That would require a bit of brainstorming if you're up to the challenge. Grow up kid.
Here you go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum you're welcome