I've put together a few points that I think would make the game what most of us were expecting. Immersion is not a story. Immersion is more the lack of a story. The freedom to do whatever it is I want to do and then dealing with the consequences, positive or negative, should I choose to exercise that freedom.
Open World
- The freedom to walk openly from one end of the world to the other. Simple enough.
- ??Do not allow any race to start in another faction. Instead create a faction standing system that allows characters to grind rep if they want to switch sides. This should be repeatable but the process should take time and dedication to discourage repeat turn coats.
- Faction standing could also influence pvp flagging in different territories.
- More Skyrim, less GW2. I want to feel my weapon hitting the target. And if I want to use a special ability without a target why can't I?
- Ability to attack who or what I want. If I want to attack a guard belonging to my own faction I should be able to. That guard should then be able to put me in my place and if he cannot faction standing changes would apply. As for the guard a decent respawn timer isn't much an issue. Quest givers could be exempt.
- Fear of death is immersive. I need to know that dying will at least potentially cost me something. In pve a loss of experience and for pvp potential theft of an item seems like a good place to start.
- Run naked to your corpse. I know this seems harsh but until you've known the excitement of a naked corpse run through dangerous territory you haven't really gamed.
Now I am sure I am forgetting something but i feel this is a good enough place to start. If you can't tell I'm just tired of MMO homogenization and constantly being babied. That more than anything else breaks immersion for me. And if you're one of those people that wants it all given to you now (preferably through a cash shop) then flame away and just know that you're part of that crowd that has helped to ruin what online gaming once was but hopefully can be again.