The purity of revenge bug

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:49 am

So I am level 21 and through out the game I have mainly just adventured around, exploring caves and what not. After a large amount of exploring I then started the quests for the Companions. I love it. Fantastic. About three quarters way through completing all the quests It seems I have run into what is called a 'bug'. I was told to go into a cave and kill a witch for her head. So I proceeded and obtained then witches head. When I traveled back to Whiterun and found Aela and another member of the Companions outside, standing over a dead silver hand, i then went and spoke to the fellow inside( cant remember his name at this time). After he informs me that the silver hand had attacked while I was gone, and that also the silver hand has killed the main old guy of the companions, he then tells me that we are going to go and attack the silver hand and retrieve our something of wuuthrad? So after he tell me he walks away and sits down...Nothing popped up indicating that the quest 'purity of revenge' started. When I went to go speak to him he had no talk options about the attack. Strange. So after doing some research I discovered that the reason why I cant start this quest, is because I had recently cleared out the driftshaft refuge. Meaning that either I had already killed someone important or the driftshaft refuge had not re spawned. I need help on what too do. I tried waiting 30 legit days and still they are not there. Any suggestions would be fantastic. Or even and update because I know that TONS of people are running into the same problem.
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:33 am

You should probably make a spoiler friend and/or create topics on PC support area.
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Rudy Paint fingers
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