So if I could I would still buy stimpacks, bobby pins, ammunition, maybe scrapping materials, etc, but it just seems like caps aren't as important. Am I right or is there something that comes later in the game that I need a lot of caps for? Thanks.
So far the only other thing I've seen you can do with caps is purchase a house in Diamond city, however I'm not sure weather you can purchase furniture or you edit it yourself more than likely edit it yourself
u make it, u dont buy it. But i been using caps to buy ammo or supplies.
Caps are really handy for buying junk from traders. This is extremely important when you're trying to craft weapons, armor and set up defense structures. Certain things like adhesive and a few other components are relatively rare.
use them to buy special weapons and mod them.. or stimpacks.. or fusion cores ect.
whaaa? I didn't know about this little bunker
huh gonna have to check this out, thanks man
There is a diner with a sweet sword for sale, but it costs a lot of caps. I have been spending caps on ammo I don't have. You also might need to bribe someone along the way. You might need a few caps to get that special piece of something to mod that item you really want to mod.
In Fallout 3 I got into the habit of always taking my "trade" in ammunition because the vendors seldom had enough money. By the end I had more ammo than I could ever fire. But out of hardcoe mode, ammo was weightless.
Ammo can be fairly scarce at times, so it's always good to stock up on it from vendors. Also, buying certain rarer junk - especially adhesive products - can be helpful. Otherwise, I haven't used caps for much. Strangely, though, I never seem to have a lot because of the amount of ammo & uncommon junk I buy. So I guess it evens out.
It's "outside the range" of the workshop and protects from storms because it's a loading screen zone, hence not counted as "outside/topside". Different game cell, or whatever.
I didn't notice the place until I was clearing out Sanctuary for materials. Just a black cellar door in the ground against the back of a house, next to a few wild mutfruit plants. It's very tiny - basically just a small room. I prefer using the Red Rocket down the road, like many others.
I bought the house in Diamond City, but I haven't visited it yet. I have also bought items on the road from merchants and ruffians I came across.
I use caps to buy ammo, and rarer materials, like wonderglue or tape (for adhesive) and to unload random junk, like the "special" armor and weapons I collect. I can't savage them, so I sell them.
Pretty much everything the above people have been saying. I rarely need to buy anything in Fallout 4. Merchants are only really good for their junk and the occasional legendary/unique weapon. I've never really used caps in other fallout games except for the houses because I pick up everything and put them in storage. If I need to sell something I do, but most of the time after taking the fortune finder perk, its not necessary. I use to have a hard time with managing stuff in fallout games, but once I learned that I didn't really need to buy anything that I can make do with what I pick up and the right perk or two, I was golden. It is even more noticeable in fallout 4 because you don't need to buy anything besides junk really. stimpacks are easy to find now plus cook helps.
Junk is really only ever needed by me. I find the lack of copper and adhesive for my stuff frustrating. If anyone knows a good cache of these two items let me know.
I use caps for ammo, visiting the barber, visiting the surgeon, and occasionally buying shipments (leather, adhesive, etc), but these are all "add-ons". I'm sure you could easily beat the game without spending a single cap.
It also costs a hefty amount of caps to create a merchant kiosk in your settlement.
I'm a melee weapon guy, where is this diner? Outside of main settlements, I've been to the diner with the woman who's son is addicted to jet, and I've been to a diner run by robots that tried to sit me at a table then cook me so I don't think they sold anything there.
I believe I saw the sword in that dinner. Her name is Trudy.