I don't want stereotypical brutish Orc. NO race should be some uniform walking stereotype in my opinion. We should find some Nord and Orc magicians, even if they are rarer. We should meet some warrior Altmer or Bosmer, even if they are rare. Walking stereotypes: just say no!
One of the good points of the races in this series is that they aren't just cookie cutter designs that all act alike. Something really annoys me about one race always acting the same. It's almost directly what lead me to stop reading the Redwall books when I was younger, because 99% of the time when you saw a race you knew exactly how that character would act or if they could be trusted. That's not how it should work, in my opinion.
I agree with this gentleman. I also agree with the poster who said somewhere that orcs are like "sophisticated krograns." That was a fine way of putting it.
On argonian anatomy, I hope the females don't get briasts this time around. It was quite stupid.
I agree it's stupid anatomically, but so is every other beast race in the game when you think about it. I'd like them to keep their briasts. Argonians were hot imo

especially with their old lady voice. I also liked how they had a gentle feel about them.. even the evil ones.
I didn't see anything wrong with Argonian heads in Oblivion. They were probably the prettiest race in that game (which may have been just because everyone else was soooo ugly, but whatevs!), because they looked true to their lizardy heritage. They also matched their concept art near exactly (which may or may not be a good thing, depending on your opinion of the concept art; I judged the line-art as badly drawn).
This doesn't, of course, mean that they can't be improved! I think a more dragonish, ridged appearance would be awesome. Check out the guy on the far left here.