Khajiit: This is where you start making a huge mistake. Why would you even begin to assume that the races would physically adapt to the area? How long have they been there? WHY would they adapt anyway? Animals in snowy environments adapt colored fur as camouflage against predators. As an intelligent and capable race, the Khajiit would hardly evolve in such a way to need camouflage considering they don't have any natural predators. I'd agree with all of the leg stuff though and it is likely they would have more varied fur patterns for the reasons mentioned above (there would be no one predominant pattern besides the pattern they originally had and mutations of that).
Argonians: Again, they would not physically adapt to their surroundings unless they had lived there for tens of thousands of years. You can change their look purely for aesthetic reasons but don't try to use a pretense of "evolution" for it. Personally, I'd enjoy them looking closer to or than, but that's just a personal thought. I guess I'd like them more prehistoric looking than looking akin to a large salamander. Sadly I believe they are amphibians instead of reptiles so they probably wouldn't look as awesome and menacing as I'd prefer.
Well, in my defense...
I don't think the races should have any differences that could only be brought about through evolution. Khajiiti shouldn't be white, and Argonians shouldn't look any different. Read the lore, people. The races haven't been exclusively in those areas long enough to begin showing any major differences.
It's not about that but if it was, I'd assume Mundus's form of evolution is much different than our own. It's about subspecies we haven't seen yet in a province that has not been explored by the player. It's also about redesigning races as they do with armor, creatures, and just about everything else for each installment. How do you explain the new Elven longswords? They're just remodeled, that's all.
Orsimer: More green and more ugly than Oblivion. The most important thing is to make the external teeth not be symmetrical. These people are cursed so why does it look like they all have perfectly straight teeth 24/7? Are braces mandatory in Orsimer culture?
I feel you on the teeth but more green? :sick:
Bosmer: Yes, short agile bodies is the way to go here. Bosmer should have the strength to climb things easily and jump good distances while the speed and agility to shoot a bow and run down prey. I'm not sure giving them animal eyes is the way to go but a slight deviation from normal elven eyes is not unexpected.
Dunmer: Yes, Morrowind hit the Dunmer right on his ash-colored head. Dunmer are like the neutral evil race of Tamriel. As to them looking 'ugly', there is no precedent for that concept. As far as I can tell throughout folklore and fantasy settings dark elves were considered different from regular elves solely for their personalities, geography, and coloration. They are not often depicted as being ugly at all. This follows from D&D lore where they were also cursed into their appearance as well but retain a beauty as enticing as any other elven race. I'm no lore master but from what I can pick up the Dunmer were cursed by the Daedra they worshiped. As such, why would the Daedra ruin the beauty of it's own followers? Turning their skin a different color is a far cry from making them actually ugly.
Redguard: Keep them about the same I guess. I never use them on account of combat skill bonus redundancies so it doesn't effect me much
Imperial: Just keep them with Roman features. Each of them should look like he could be a President or King.
Nords: I'd say they look pretty good so far. Braided beards and locks would be cool but I could go without. Look to for inspiration
I really have to stand beside my goat eyes.

You may be right about Dunmer as there is different, conflicting lore concerning how they got their dark skin and red eyes.
As far as your points with Redguards, Imperials, Nords I'm in agreement.