I agree with everything you said except the part about the Dunmer and Orsimer. I think they should look more like their concept art and not like demons.
That seems to be the general consensus. :sadvaultboy:
Well, i agree with you except on the Dunmer. They are Dark, but still elves. They are not meant to be a hideous peoples, just unsettling. They are the BA's of the elves, and not just in TES. I never had respect for the pointy eared bastards until Morrowind. BS pretty much royally f - i mean screwed - the race in OB. Voice, looks everything. Here's hoping my favorite race will make a comeback.
See?! ... Hey Frank the Bunny. Big fan. Seen Donnie lately?

The curse on the Dunmer turned their skin ashen and their eyes red and that is the only thing I know that the curse did so I would keep it too that.
The orcs should look a bit more like http://images.uesp.net/b/bd/Orsimer_official.jpg. I know it is a lot like they were in OB, but I hope(asume actually) that Bethesda make them look awesome this time. No horns, or bigger tusks or any drastic changes too them in my opinion, only improve on the design they used in MW and OB. That's just my opinion though.
And it's valued. Basic improvements can go a long way.