"All races will look better and more distinct." ~ Todd Howard
Great news indeed. Though it's simply one small quote that may not mean a lot, I'd really like to share with you my wishes for each and every one of them as I have many ideas. They're mostly concerning improved appearances over Oblivion. Please realize that everything below is merely my own opinion and I mean no offense to anyone.
http://i643.photobucket.com/albums/uu155/oblivionlp/highelf.jpg: It's obvious that in order to set them apart from Dunmer, the devs added some unique features which really didn't improve the way they looked. Notice how far out the brow protrudes. You could practically eat soup out of the indent in their foreheads. To me, I would think that Altmer would be the most beautiful, majestic race in all of Tamriel. I mean it's just common folklore to make elves pretty. Tolkein did it and I assume Bethesda was aiming for the same thing. After all, why suggest that Dark Elves were punished when they actually look more attractive than High Elves? I want them to be quite the sight in Skyrim. Handsome males that you envy and gorgeous females that outshine the most lusty argonian maids. I'm not a big fan of the yellow skin either but that seems to be trademark.
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2798/4256607826_2cfa6876ea.jpg: Boy, what a disappointment it was to behold this sorry looking creature after I read the manual and saw such great http://ravenoaks.org/oblivion/images/breton.gif. In Oblivion they were like fat, wrinkly versions of Imperials. In Skyrim, I really hope they follow up with what they had originally intended them to be. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8TCz6shD7mU/TZTvPlK9IfI/AAAAAAAAAfw/zCL4zjvYwlc/s1600/Skyrim_DraugrGroup.jpg tells us that the team has been working on skeletons showing through bodies more. Something less drastic could be applied to the revamped Brets as well as guant faces, long fingers, and http://blogwaybaby.com/Elf%20Ears.jpg that display their elven heritage. Make them more witch-like. They are the most capable in the arcane arts when it comes to humans. Also, when developing their nature, please give them more flamboyant and eccentric personalities like lore implies.
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2783/4255940951_d9303e10d5.jpg: As a beast race, Khajiit have a lot of potential to look amazing. I know most of you out there want Morrowind style legs. I do too to some extent. What the devs must have been getting their ideas for Khajiit legs from were probably http://courses.washington.edu/chordate/453photos/skeleton_photos/cat-hind-leg.jpg. This time I suggest they look more into http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/Science/data/images/MmBib/VetAnatImg/xlarge/0054x.jpg. With some minor reshaping, you could fit that into a boot, no? Whatever the case, paws must be included this time around rather than furry human feet. Speaking of fur, I believe more shades should be optional. I don't want to go against lore and ask for cheetah spots (we are still Suthay-Raht after all) but to this date, there has been no mention of any strain of snow cats. Why couldn't those in Skyrim have adapted to the environment around them and taken on a coat similiar to that of a snow leopard? And it would be only natural for their hair to be much thicker than before. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/L%C3%A9opard_des_neiges_14081.jpg? I also want to have the choice of changing the color of their irises this time. My cat has blue eyes, why can't my Khajiit?
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4059/4256204229_d5be6c2350.jpg: I wasn't too keen on how these lot looked either. Foreheads slanted, elongated noses... they just had really pointy faces. It looked unnatural. Lady Syl was the only good looking Wood Elf I ever saw and she was in Shivering Isles. Keep them short and agile, it fits them perfectly but perhaps they should have less rediculous hair styles? I mean it's like the devs are trying to make them silly looking. I know we're not in Valenwood and I can't expect every Bosmer out there to be some badass ranger/hunter but I've never seen any Wood Elf in Oblivion that intimidated me. They are the most skilled marksmen so why not give them something unique like http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2305/2495028541_0f6808c82b.jpg to reflect their advanced peripheral depth perception? It makes sense and would most certainly give those with bovinaphobia the creeps.
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4029/4256803712_90812f1165.jpg: Here's a little lore for you in case you didn't already know the story behind Pariah Folk. Trinimac was a God amongst an ancient sect of Aldmeri elves. One day, he did something to piss off the Daedric Prince Boethiath so Boethiath decided to curse Trinimac and his followers, making Trinimac Malacath and his people Orcs. One thing we must remember out of all of this is that Orcs were in fact cursed by a Daedric Lord. I think they should appear more ogrish and sinister rather than sophisticated peoples. Ram horns, jagged claws, darker skin, bigger tusks. Maybe the horns might be a little hard to implement but tribal peircings and body augmentations that exhibit endurance of pain such as http://studentsmetro.com/fun/dat/542/kala-kaiwi.jpg (WARNING: link may disturb you) would be most appropriate. I also expect to see more barbaric acts from this race in Skyrim. Gross me out a little.
http://i643.photobucket.com/albums/uu155/oblivionlp/darkelf.jpg: Now, I never played Morrowind but I hear they made a mean Dark Elf. The average gamesas forum goer would probably agree that the Dunmer in TES III were very well done unlike the blue Altmer in Oblivion. Going back to those roots would appease many fans. My thoughts? Like the orcs, they were punished by a Daedric Prince. Azura in fact (well, I mean according to some lore) so is dark skin and red eyes truly a bad thing? Is that enough? How about some http://www.nefariousfilms.com/Images/Monsters/jeeperscreepers.jpg? I don't know why you would say that's unoriginal... Well good thing they're recieving a new slimy, salamander-like skin texture as seen http://thegamingliberty.com/wp-content/uploads/SKYRIM55.jpg. Atleast I believe that's a Dunmer. Could be a goblin... or an Orc... Just kidding, it's a Dunmer. :biggrin:
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2465/4256964516_e3a6c8d23d.jpg: I can't think of any problems I have with these people what-so-ever. What do I mean, these people? The warrior race from the islands of Yokuda ofcourse. It's hard to improve on what is supposed to be an equivalent of a real life race of human-beings. They can't be magically redesigned to have horns or tails. The only thing I can suggest is to make them look more realistic, which I'm sure they will do "reguardless" heh heh.
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2715/4255938689_43a48138d4.jpg: Like Redguards, there's not much you can do with a race that has been modeled after real people. Just make them not so ugly this time.
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4044/4256593738_85e3feca2d.jpg: One of the most interesting races in Tamriel, this creature also has boat loads of potential to be awesome in Skyrim. Simply reading about the anatomy of these swamp critters can get your blood pumping. They are known for their various amphibian traits including gills that allow them to breathe underwater and fins that sprout from their heads but one would wonder... how well would an Argonian fare in a place that is cold and near inhospitable to their race? I suspect major differences from the Argonians of Oblivion and Morrowind such as sturdy tails, thicker skin, and more of a dinosaur-like appearance similiar to http://honolulu.hawaii.edu/dinos/rex_head_large.gif rather than that of a lizard. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/027/5/5/skyrim__s_argonian_drawing_by_xxxbanditxxx-d383uyh.png, please oh please make the swimming animations exceedingly different from the other races. I'd like to see my Argonian clasp his arms at his sides and propel himself with his tail instead of a lame briaststroke (which is ok for everyone else). Again, as a beast race they should have noticably different feet. Something along the lines of http://cdn2.arkive.org/media/AC/AC8340AE-D715-4BDF-B0A0-76D6CCC5D3F5/Presentation.Large/Komodo-dragon-claws.jpg would suit them fine.
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4035/4256944660_e05a482fa7.jpg: Last but not least, NORAWAWAA! So far, they look http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/2751/dovahkiin.jpg. Just let me get in on some of that braided hair, flowing beard action and I'll be fine. Can't wait to be a http://gameoption.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Skryim-Trailer-anolysis-16-Dual-Wield-590x358.jpg.
Even if they don't turn out as hoped, I'm sure I will still be blown away. Now, lets hear your thoughts! Oh, and devs... I know you're watching.
