I have not seen anyone ask this, so i'm going to have to. Has Bethesda made an open world game designed for singular character playthroughs? Meaning are we going to be forced to play the game as a dedicated thief, fighter, mage, assasin etc... each playthrough to be able to experience everything?
The skills system looks like it could be set to penalise jack of all trade characters, and talk of limiting the ability to join factions makes it seem that Bethesda will try and force us to stick to our roles to give players several linear games distinct to our roles.
For example, going into a city with my reputation as a thief or mage will lock out physically challenging quests, forcing me to play it through a few times.
I'm a perfectionist, jack of all trades, discover and know everything player. It took several thousand hours to come as close to finishing Morrowind with perfect quest completions and as little fog of war on the map as possible (including dungeons). I in a sense ROLEPLAY a character that cannot truly die, has the ability to pick save points in his life, has no backstory or real connections to the world, and i quest to become everything i can possibly be.
I might be in a tiny minority in the player demographic, but i will be VERY upset to play without the freedoms i love.
I am on the library computer and am logging off, but i will read any responses tomorrow.