Have you tried the 'Sorkvild the Raven' topic, instead of the 'errand' topic, as I suggested in the other thread?
Sorry I didn't see that :facepalm: Last I checked, it isn't there (probably due to merged lists, stuff gets lost -- seemingly a lot for me. Probably because I'm pretty inept at this sort of thing), but I can add that topic nice and easy through the console.
Thanks so much! I've become a vampire, so getting the Masque is becoming more-and-more important. But I want to get through this one first.
BTW, "What Thieve's Guild" is every bit as awesome as I thought it would be

Great job.
Edit: Oh man, I figured out what I did wrong. When you said, "try the Sorkvild the Raven" topic, I thought you meant here on the MB. I thought it was a little strange but, eh, I wasn't going to question your methods. So I moved the question over here. Whoops!