Ok we all know about Harold in fallout but for those that don't
Spoiler hes half man half tree character in fallout 3 and is rooted to ground
I can't say more that than or its a spoiler thread i hope not....
well back on topic...I don't know if anyone seen this before or if its been posted before but right now there is like an extremely rare disease that will have you growing roots out of your body and bark like stuff so pretty much your half man half tree....
well there happens to be a man that's half man of course and half tree....surprisingly really since it reminds me of Harold...err..or what other names he has
but you can take a look here http://www.discoverychannel.co.uk/web/my-shocking-story/previous-episodes/half-man-half-tree/
Now I don't know how many people have this disease but it could be an army of living trees some day :tops:
Oh for christ's sake how stupid are you people? It's not a mysterious tree disease, those not branches, and they aren't moles. They're just warts, caused by a sever case of Human Papilloma Virus. If any of you even bothered to spend a few minutes reasearching this guy you would know that.
As for Harold and his condition, Harold is a mutant, not a ghoul, as his condition wasn't caused exposure to radiation but an unique reaction to FEV. Secondly, he doesn't have HPV and he is nothing like the 'tree man'. Some time after his exposer to FEV he had a seed land in his head and germinate. Over time and as it grew simply got to heavy for him to carry around and he was immobilized. This process was likely slow, and he didn't just get stuck there over night, but as it grew bigger and bigger it was inevitable one day he could no longer carry the burden. That day came and went.
Oh...and the tree's real name is bob, not Herbert. It's a running gag that he calls it Herbert.