So...I don't really have anything to say, anyway I guess this was the best place to post it.
Don't ask me where I got these.
Pete Hines, what a great PR director.
So...I don't really have anything to say, anyway I guess this was the best place to post it.
Don't ask me where I got these.
Pete Hines, what a great PR director.
My gosh, what is the deal with them screwing up on jet lore....
This isn't the first time either.
Just say Jet is based on a Pre-War drug.
Yes and Myron is a liar and a loser.
It's very likely he built on an existing drug in fact.
Just like Blue Meth is still meth in Breaking Bad.
That's not really how drug manufacturing works in RL.
But I was just offering a theory.
It can be present on the East Coast, as the drug "spread" but continuity IS important. Fallout Tactics followed continuity just fine, there is no jet in FOT(it takes place before FO 2) as an example.
I'm sure there are people who could reverse engineer Jet and find out how to make it, and they would do so because they would get rich making a lot of caps(or dead as someone steals their secret lol). Dr. Troy is a good candidate for becoming the big WC Jet distributor. He is the one who asks the CO to bring him Jet after all, and he is proven to be of fairly low morals, as he will also assassinate your character. lol.
Negative. he is the doctor in Vault City, inside the Vault. He is the one who can make you the Jet Cure. If you blackmail him when he asks for Jet...he will assassinate you if you ask for medical attention later on. lmao.
edit: iirc he also very excited if you bring Myron to him for a chat, but I never did this. Which tells me he could be a person who later on could make Jet, if he made the cure and all. Some doctor would be able to anyway, even a high Int CO can basically tell Myron himself how he made it, so it isn't impossible to figure out how to make.
If Myron created jet, how was Mrs Bishop using it, as she claimed, before he invented it?
She mentions she got hooked on jet and kicked out of Vault city for it, and all of this took place long before Myron created jet.
Avellone was actually asked about this in the Fallout Bibles, where he said its likely drug use warped her memories, but the Bible isn't canon, by his own admission.
So as it stand in Fallout 2, Mrs. Bishop somehow used jet, and got kicked out of Vault city for it, before Myron supposedly created it, meaning it had to exist before then in some form.
Actually they flat out accepted their mistake. It was an error in FO 2. Never said FO 2 was perfect ya know. One of the reasons for the FO Bibles was to correct that stuff, which at the time he did, ie it was a different drug and she was wrong.
But the Bibles are not canon, by Avellone's own admission, so nothing in them can be said to be true.
Or are you finally admitting there is no wild FEV, since Avellone said so in the Bibles? Or are you just going to keep cheery picking what parts you like?
It isn't using the bibles, it is using a Dev making a "we messed up" statement. Don't need a FO Bible for a Dev to say "we made a mistake".
It is just a fact FO 2 made a mistake, mainly cuz Myron created Jet. That is a fact laid out in game on SEVERAL occassions, more than one characters incorrect dialogue. The Bibles aren't canon, but the bibles not being canon doesn't mean there can't be mistakes in a game. LMAO.
For example, Jet does not exist in FO 1(or FoT for that matter). It is mentioned by several characters in the game as being a new drug, like the drug dealers themselves in New Reno, and in places like Redding and from Dr. Troy and Dr. Holliday. It is a new epidemic. Based upon the mountain of evidence of Myron creating Jet, jet being a new thing, we don't need MCA to write in a FOB that they made a mistake, it was clearly a mistake on FO2 part.
The only time that was stated was in the Fallout bible. If he had said it elsewhere you would have a point.
By that logic, how is Avellone admitting he was wrong about wild FEV not admitting "I messed up", which would make it equally as valid?
And whats NPCs say in-game doesn't mean much. Several NPCs say all ghouls come from Necropolis, but Tactics, Fallout 3, NV, and Fallout 4 prove that wrong. Ignorant NPCs are not a good source of information.
You're cherry picking hard here, and tripping yourself up because your argument holds no weight.
It doesn't matter if he NEVER said it or if it was never mentioned in a FOB. Doesn't matter. Just because someone caught the mistake and asked a question in FOB times doesn't mean jack, that was the purpose of the FOBs, for fans to ask questions and point out mistakes. Just because the FOB are not canon doesn't change the fact it was an error in continuity.
It isn't cherry picking anything. It is noticing that FO 2 had a mistake.
MCA is also not the authority on WILD FEV. He didn't create it. That was Taylor, Cain, Anderson, etc. Not MCA. Now, if Chris Taylor wrote the bibles and made that statement, maybe you have a point, but MCA didn't work on FO 1, and he didn't create Wild FEV.
Using YOUR logic, there could never, ever, be a mistake in game, because it all just is. How convenient that now BGS will become "perfection" and everything they do immune to scrutiny. That isn't how it works. They made a mistake in FO 2, it pointed out. They made a mistake in FO 4. It pointed out.