Again, a thousand visual cluse to tell what your character does is redundency. It can be displayed and represented by a number for ease.
Hmm, do the eight veins on my arm represent that I can kill a troll in four hits, or that 180 pounds will encumber me. Gee, I wish I had some representative that would just show me this plainly that I could understand in a glance. Oh wait, those are displayed stats.
Yeah, fair enough. I don't disagree that numbers work well.
One thing to keep in mind is that I don't think Bethesda disagree either. There'll still be numbers for skills, for health, for magicka, for stamina. It seems like they agree that the best way to convey information to the player about their character is via numbers. And yet they got rid of attributes. So isn't the question about whether we need numbers or not just a red herring in the attributes debate? You could think that we need numbers to convey information to the player, but still think that attributes aren't needed. Or, you could think that attributes are needed, but think that numbers aren't needed to convey information to the player.
If the question is: why have attributes, then the "we need numbers" point seems like a distraction. It seems to me that the relevant points have more to do with degrees of character customisation, what sorts of traits characters should have, and so on. How those are represented is a quite different sort of question, and has very little bearing on the real debate.