Nothing I have seen thus far has shown the bleakness of a post-apocalyptic world. Instead, they have shown us that maybe post-apocalyptic worlds aren't such a bad place after all, when you can just build yourself a shelter topside, do some farming, purify water, play some games on your PIP-boy, and set up a fricking light show. With some brahmin steaks I bet you could have yourself a nice BBQ; invite all your neighbors! All in bright, shiny GFX.
The FO series was rooted on tragedy tempered by quirky humor, but I feel that Beth has focused too much on the latter, at least in what they have shown to us thus far. Where are the slavers? Where are the deranged cults and power-hungry paramilitary organizations? Hell, show us any faction other than generic raiders to serve as cannon-fodder for your little fort.
They need to show me some substance before my hype-meter progresses from lukewarm.