» Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:25 am
I definitely want to be able to kill essential characters again, but with radiant AI, it causes a few problems. If we have Mr. Main-Quest-Giver decide to go hunting one day, and then a few wolves find him, he could easily die through actions not related to my own. While this does create some very interesting role-playing situations... it does lock me out of the main quest if I want my character to complete it. On the other hand, if essential characters are unkillable, then like people have said, it highlights their invulnerability. I think back to a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU7JFrnFiGQ&feature=player_detailpage#t=50s I saw, that comments on NPCs running off on their own. We could pretty easily abuse this, and lure our invulnerable companions into an area we're having problems with, let them handle the entire thing, and if they died, well, then they'd get up after a while, and would continue to wear down the enemies.
So then the problem becomes what can we do about it?
- If we allow them to be killed, then they could die for simple reasons (dragon attack, hunting, stuck in the middle of a fight, large fall, etc.), that would break the main quest, which would be a big problem if we actually wanted to finish it. Sure, I could always reload, but just how often would I need to save in order to make sure that I have a viable save to go back to? Hell, what if all the saves I have are after the point when "Bob" four towns over decides to go head into the mountains?
- If we do not allow them to be killed, or only allow them to be killed by us, then they could easily become an exploit for the player, and their sole existance can break immersion. If "Bob" is standing in the middle of town during a dragon attack, and "Bob" is essential, then he could stand there all day, picking his nose and scratching his ass while a dragon attempts and fails to kill him, after destroying the rest of his town. I'd like to assume that NPCs will flee from dragon attacks, but what if he's a guard? If the guards try and kill dragons,
then we have an NPC that will constantly try to kill a dragon, fail, get up, and try again, ad infinitum.