The reason the PC ver. fails is due to Crytek, no one else.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:03 am

Another one of THESE threads. Actually, I thought by now people would already know that it's EA's fault due to them being tight on release date and what not. Anyways, the OP is either an idiot or a troll. Let this thread die.

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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:51 am

Americans like the OP are the reason why no other country respects the United States.

Viva la Canada)) Canadians like you, with sense of humor, is the reason i love Canada and want to move there from Russia))

Op, really, stop playing COD )))
What Russia have to do with Crysis 2?
Trust me, if Russians or Ukrainians would do it, they would give maximum love to PC version, and it would be uber-hardcoe with uber-graphics (just likst Stalker, Time Shift, which btw still looks better than Crysis 2, Metro 2033 etc), because here in Russia we loves superior PCs and hate inferior consoles, and we are pretty much hardcoe here (well old generation of Russian games who was born in 70th and 80th really are, but kids from 90th and 00th are more americanized and prefer consoles, dumbed down games, cheats and insults, thx to USA, which teaches our kids about all the crap and putting big effort to dumb them down by so called "US culture").
Russian, German, Polish gamers and most of western europe gamers are 100 time more hardcoe PC addicts than USA console gamers. "thx" to USA kids and teens, all Publisher and developers dumbing down all games, so games could be accessible to every brainless retard)))

So we should really blame USA for gamer's stupidity which forcing developers like Crytek to dumb down games like Crysis 2, because USA is biggest game market and biggest hive of idiots, and hardcoe games not very profitable in USA, because too many dumbs there cant finish game if there would be more than one button to press during gameplay and no tips like "press X button to make obvious thing"))

Oh yeah, if there would be nipble in any game, whole USA will start talking about that ****, ban the game like they never saw naked women, and thats in a country where every 2nd schoolgirl is real slut which was bang-ganged by half of school))
In Russia we dont care about nipbles in game, and there is no stupid censorship yet, so be proud of your Useless States of America dude))

lol, silly Russians
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:00 am

I don't know how people are brought up in Russia but in America we have a backbone, a spine and we take responsibility for what we do.

What does Russia have to do with anything...?
Crytek is based in Frankfurt (Germany) and Cevat Yerli is Turkish... so.. er...

Been playing too much Cod?

Damn...beat me to beating the troll...Any time you see "GmbH" at the end of a company, you automatically know it's a German/Austrian Company.

Also Germans are known for delivering on quality. However, I feel that going multiplatform, Crytek was more concerned about delivering said quality to the Consoles for their first outing on Crysis. I guess that's the nice thing developers that actually DO develop for PC take for granted. You can deliver a half-broken game and fix it later, whereas on Consoles it has to be perfect out the door.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:48 am

I love how these snide people from other countries judge all Americans the same. So typical. Can you say that your country is perfect? I bet you can't.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:55 am

...but in America we have a backbone, a spine and we take responsibility for what we do.


Says the canook whose freedom is provided by the very umbrella America provides.

Go sit down a..

Lols if China were to take over Eurasia then (without being able to drain natural resources from Eurasia) probably something like 60% of Americans would die of starvation. But the lifestyle of the average person in Eurasia would in all likelihood actually improve. Simply because it would mean that America would cease to be a parasite on the natural resources of the rest of the world.

And as far as freedom Capitalism is not about freedom it's about a currency for servitude.

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Kim Bradley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:40 am

Yeah, I just laugh at these kids from canada and other foreign countries that try to look down their nose at someone who is from the U.S., like you're better than us, get over yourselves. You think one or two people posting on a forum represent their countries? Thats pretty stupid.

Anyways, I have to agree with the OP here, Crytek f*cked up very badly. There is No excuse for releasing the PC version in the condition its in. The MP is almost a ghost town and it hasn't even been a month yet. Whats even more sad is that this was my most anticipated game of the year, and I got a brand new gpu for it and everything. Thats ok, BF3 can put it to good use when it comes out later this year.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:41 am

Although I agree on most of the things you posted. There's just some points here that I really can't agree on.

Crytek may cry PIRACY, Crytek may cry poor pc sales!

But it's no ones fault but Crytek's idiocy.
I don't know how people are brought up in Russia but in America we have a backbone, a spine and we take responsibility for what we do.

I just finished another session of Multiplayer and there was clearly hacked players cheating away.
I hope you monkey's comprehend just how much you fail at everything you do.
Crysys 2 has been in development for what..4-5 years? You released the game with a completely broken nano system that didn't save when the player left the game, how did this leave Q&A?..How?..

There was 0 security implementation for the multiplayer component?..Do you folks realize it's 2011 on planet Earth?..
Who does this? What kind of inept, moronic company puts out a AAA title in this shape?

Keep crying piracy Yerli.
This game is already dead online and it's no ones fault but Crytek's.

What does Russia got to do with Crysis 2? The publisher is EA which isn't Russian and the developer is Crytek which is, surprisngly, still isn't Russian! So where did OMG RUSSIA come from?

Also, about the freedom thing. Are you serious? Or are you just from the deep south? I like America. I really do. Some of my favorite films are from America, some of the best novels I've read are written by American, but are you serious?
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:17 pm

Americans like the OP are the reason why no other country respects the United States.

Viva la Canada)) Canadians like you, with sense of humor, is the reason i love Canada and want to move there from Russia))

Op, really, stop playing COD )))
What Russia have to do with Crysis 2?
Trust me, if Russians or Ukrainians would do it, they would give maximum love to PC version, and it would be uber-hardcoe with uber-graphics (just likst Stalker, Time Shift, which btw still looks better than Crysis 2, Metro 2033 etc), because here in Russia we loves superior PCs and hate inferior consoles, and we are pretty much hardcoe here (well old generation of Russian games who was born in 70th and 80th really are, but kids from 90th and 00th are more americanized and prefer consoles, dumbed down games, cheats and insults, thx to USA, which teaches our kids about all the crap and putting big effort to dumb them down by so called "US culture").
Russian, German, Polish gamers and most of western europe gamers are 100 time more hardcoe PC addicts than USA console gamers. "thx" to USA kids and teens, all Publisher and developers dumbing down all games, so games could be accessible to every brainless retard)))

So we should really blame USA for gamer's stupidity which forcing developers like Crytek to dumb down games like Crysis 2, because USA is biggest game market and biggest hive of idiots, and hardcoe games not very profitable in USA, because too many dumbs there cant finish game if there would be more than one button to press during gameplay and no tips like "press X button to make obvious thing"))

Oh yeah, if there would be nipble in any game, whole USA will start talking about that ****, ban the game like they never saw naked women, and thats in a country where every 2nd schoolgirl is real slut which was bang-ganged by half of school))
In Russia we dont care about nipbles in game, and there is no stupid censorship yet, so be proud of your Useless States of America dude))

I, being an Australian (where we have censorship like America), think that what you are saying is... MAXIMUM AWESOME :) It's all business, for maximum profits. Which I agree with, as I am Capitalist, though I still think Capitalists should have morals.

It svcks being part of a culture that doesn't care that the government is restricting their rights year by year. There are so many stupid people and so little intelligent people, and even less informed people. And it svcks being part of a culture that doesn't care that companies are getting away with dumbing things down, with the only reason why they don't care is because they are ignorant/uninformed.

Yeah, I just laugh at these kids from canada and other foreign countries that try to look down their nose at someone who is from the U.S., like you're better than us, get over yourselves. You think one or two people posting on a forum represent their countries? Thats pretty stupid. No, it is because the f**kers from the U.S.A who are posting all their supremacist BS are the stereotype. Why? Because the majority of Americans are like that (because the majority of Americans are not informed enough, unlike you or I, to be able to make your observation, just like in Australia -- or any other country, for that matter -- the majority of people are not informed enough to make your observation).

And it's kind of common that people from countries that aren't U.S.A don't like Americans. If enough people don't like something then there has to be something wrong with that something.

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kirsty williams
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:46 am

I still stand by the question... who buys Crysis for Multiplayer?

Seriously.... who does that? Have FPS fans become so dependant on MP that that is all that matters to them anymore? No wonder the genre is dying.

Who buys $60 games for Singleplayer? (yea I also question people who bought Dragon Age 2 for $60, but thats another topic...)
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rebecca moody
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:08 am

I bet EA will drop crysis before there is even a crysis3. BTW I also agree with the OP
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:21 am

I don't know how people are brought up in Russia but in America we have a backbone, a spine and we take responsibility for what we do.

You entertain me quite well, little space monkey. But what′s the matter with Russia? Mixing up countries because you have so much backbone that you are to brave to learn your geography?

But I understand you: Russia, Turkia, Germany...all the same -> Just eastern countries without backbones.

You sir are a shame for your country!
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:24 pm

Just so people know Americans have a better quality of life and the rest of the world props them up. Most of the worlds natural resources are in Europe and Asia and Americans consume way more than they produce. If communism spread through Europe and Asia, resulting in America being denied the natural resources it needs from Eurasia to maintain it's population and their QOL then the average quality of life would have to rise in Eurasia nothing else is even possible.

Thats not hating thats just what I think is a fact and I read it here

in a book written by a high ranking US security official, intended to educate American students studying national defence strategy. He was still active as a consultant to presidents very recently although I think it may be correct that he last held office during Nixons time. The book is pretty old though (written before it really mattered what you said in such a text since very few citizens gave a ****) and predicted reasonably accurately a number of US invasions in the middle East. Although they are written as recommendations of where America should invade and why (not as predictions).

PS: Homefront would never happen nobody would invade the US because you consume so much of the limited natural resources like oil and produce so little. In all likelihood they would just stop trading with you (which for Eurasia is a rational decision not even a spiteful one ). Then you would obviously have very little oil and you would basically be facing what people say would happen in the event of peak oil.

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Nana Samboy
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:16 pm

homefront wouldn't happen, but full scale nuclear war is a different story all together
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:15 am

Typical American thinking Canadians depend on America LMAO, maybe you should start paying Canada the Billions in Tariffs you owe them haha. BTW the worst game company on earth whose release after release screw everything up is a little American company called EA. Released MOH with lack of finish and half a$$ed handfull of maps, check Released BC2 with more bugs than a marshy forest, Check just released NFS shift 2 with most people unable to play online Check etc. etc. etc.

I don't hate Americans but stop making yourselves out as being so fantastic. Your country puts out more glitchy bug ridden games than any other country does. And it's usually because EA forces a release date upon the developers.

Crytek is Turkish and based in Germany for those that can't spend 10 seconds googling it before thinking your superior.

Now that that the reality check is done, I whole heartedly agree that Crytek did a lazy job polishing the game. Did they not learn from the original Crysis that anti cheat is important? In 2011 this should be a main part of planning in the pre development stage. If you can't do that then the game should have been released at $20 not $50.
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Unstoppable Judge
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:40 am

I for one agree with this post its clearly cryteks fault no one elses the game bombed so bad on the pc 4 to 5 years in development and this game is like 4 steps behind crysis 1 just pathetic.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:10 am

homefront wouldn't happen, but full scale nuclear war is a different story all together

Jokes. How would that happen then lols?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:44 pm

Crytek may cry PIRACY, Crytek may cry poor pc sales!
I don't know how people are brought up in Russia but in America we have a backbone, a spine and we take responsibility for what we do.

Thats a bit of a stretch considering it was an American company that practically invented the modern DLC, and therefore started the steady progression from modding to DLC on the PC...

BIS and Maddox both originate from the Russian area, both produce games that support modding beyond BF2 (which people seem to hold on demi-god status).

So then, hows that American backbone now?
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:20 am

Americans like the OP are the reason why no other country respects the United States.

Viva la Canada)) Canadians like you, with sense of humor, is the reason i love Canada and want to move there from Russia))

Op, really, stop playing COD )))
What Russia have to do with Crysis 2?
Trust me, if Russians or Ukrainians would do it, they would give maximum love to PC version, and it would be uber-hardcoe with uber-graphics (just likst Stalker, Time Shift, which btw still looks better than Crysis 2, Metro 2033 etc), because here in Russia we loves superior PCs and hate inferior consoles, and we are pretty much hardcoe here (well old generation of Russian games who was born in 70th and 80th really are, but kids from 90th and 00th are more americanized and prefer consoles, dumbed down games, cheats and insults, thx to USA, which teaches our kids about all the crap and putting big effort to dumb them down by so called "US culture").
Russian, German, Polish gamers and most of western europe gamers are 100 time more hardcoe PC addicts than USA console gamers. "thx" to USA kids and teens, all Publisher and developers dumbing down all games, so games could be accessible to every brainless retard)))

So we should really blame USA for gamer's stupidity which forcing developers like Crytek to dumb down games like Crysis 2, because USA is biggest game market and biggest hive of idiots, and hardcoe games not very profitable in USA, because too many dumbs there cant finish game if there would be more than one button to press during gameplay and no tips like "press X button to make obvious thing"))

Oh yeah, if there would be nipble in any game, whole USA will start talking about that ****, ban the game like they never saw naked women, and thats in a country where every 2nd schoolgirl is real slut which was bang-ganged by half of school))
In Russia we dont care about nipbles in game, and there is no stupid censorship yet, so be proud of your Useless States of America dude))

So true man Us people are so.....
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:58 am

I love how these snide people from other countries judge all Americans the same. So typical. Can you say that your country is perfect? I bet you can't.

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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:35 am

Wow are you guys really all flaming this guy because of one sentence about America? I think we all agree with his point that this game svck and all we hear is crying about Piracy when the first crysis came out they sold 1.75 million copies in a very short amount of time regardless of piracy. So t all who are flaming him. Focus on the issue the game don't work instead of ripping on America. Idiots man.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:11 am

I love how these snide people from other countries judge all Americans the same. So typical. Can you say that your country is perfect? I bet you can't.


I just lol's so **** hard.

Op is right about most everything though - except the whole Americans taking responsibility for stuff. We are raised in this **** to without to concept of consequence. Everyone has to feel good about themselves. Children are shielded from reality. Its why we are totally **** long term and will collapse sooner than later - won't matter to me though. I have more guns than Israel has jews.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:04 pm

This is really pathetic, what like not even a month and noone is playing it anymore? BF2 still has a fair few servers running, that's a what 7 or 8 year old game now? Biggest fail since BF2142 imo, should've got Crysis 1.

Hey now I really liked 2142. Not sure what that game has a bad rap. Titan mode was laggy as hell at first and frustrating so I guess that's it.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:34 pm

OP, please stop playing propaganda games like CoD. Open the google maps, open the google and try to study present world.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:59 am

This is probably the worst thread ever
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:17 pm

You know you Canadians that bash Americans, you're actually talking about yourselves also. Last I checked, Canada was in North America. Unless that changed, in which case never mind.
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