The Reason Why?

Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:20 pm

Something I would love to hear is why Lonesome Roads was delayed. I think I remember it being said that it was done by Marketing so I would like to know what they are thinking.

August was a great month to release Lonesome Roads for various reasons.
It was relatively dry for releases. People had not yet gone back to school thus still having money before going off to college and back to school. September is a packed month and October Equally so and they aren't putting it out near Elder Scrolls. Something I think we can all agree on so marketing wise it seems rather a poor decision to not release it in August since according to Jason it is done.

So here is my thoughts on why. The only reason I can muster aside from gross incompetents (you know the kind that gets people fired) is to do with the "Extra Content" that was hinted at. Now this is just a hunch I have nothing to back it up but this extra content or whatever might be something substantial, why else hold back a finished product (which doesn't make you any money sitting on the proverbial shelf) unless you need to.

Or they could be releasing a complete edition and selling it with hey buy it and get lonesome roads and all other content for the game. I don't know. What are your thoughts?
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:36 am

Maybe to make their fourth quarter report look good with the huge sales of Skyrim and Lonesome Road :shrug:

Their could be issues with Microsoft or Sony.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:52 pm

I think I've seen a couple articles of late in regards to problems with them. I don't think I read them though.

Yeah Fourth Quarter idea sounds pretty good.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:18 am

Something I would love to hear is why Lonesome Roads was delayed. I think I remember it being said that it was done by Marketing so I would like to know what they are thinking.

August was a great month to release Lonesome Roads for various reasons.
It was relatively dry for releases. People had not yet gone back to school thus still having money before going off to college and back to school. September is a packed month and October Equally so and they aren't putting it out near Elder Scrolls. Something I think we can all agree on so marketing wise it seems rather a poor decision to not release it in August since according to Jason it is done.

So here is my thoughts on why. The only reason I can muster aside from gross incompetents (you know the kind that gets people fired) is to do with the "Extra Content" that was hinted at. Now this is just a hunch I have nothing to back it up but this extra content or whatever might be something substantial, why else hold back a finished product (which doesn't make you any money sitting on the proverbial shelf) unless you need to.

Or they could be releasing a complete edition and selling it with hey buy it and get lonesome roads and all other content for the game. I don't know. What are your thoughts?

im almost certian that extra content that changes the waste is gonna be something to do with the mojave express dropboxs that litter the waste that dont currently have a use! great... more fetch quest!! thx devs!
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:34 pm

im almost certian that extra content that changes the waste is gonna be something to do with the mojave express dropboxs that litter the waste that dont currently have a use! great... more fetch quest!! thx devs!

If they throw in some killing and make it varied enough I'll partake. Hell I wouldn't mind if it led up to something. More content is always welcomed. Also I think I've only found two of them that I can recall off hand. The one in Primm and the one Outside Old Mormon Fort.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:45 pm

im almost certian that extra content that changes the waste is gonna be something to do with the mojave express dropboxs that litter the waste that dont currently have a use! great... more fetch quest!! thx devs!

Those boxes can be used to ship supplies to different dropboxes, so they do have a use. I'm guessing the decision that will change the mojave will involve some of the warheads in the divide, but as for why LR was delyed I'm guessing it was because of microsoft or sony.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:22 pm

Or it could be the fact that Bethesda and Interplay just went back to courts about 2 weeks ago. Bigger fish to Fry, money being spent on that, instead of money being pushed into the game itself, theres alot more then just Microsoft, or Playstation. That we don't really pay attention to, trust me, it's killing me as much as the next guy, cause besides waiting for lonesome road, all i have left is the new elder scrolls. Alot of new games haven't been keeping my attention, pretty much thats bethesda's job.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:06 am

Or it could be the fact that Bethesda and Interplay just went back to courts about 2 weeks ago. Bigger fish to Fry, money being spent on that, instead of money being pushed into the game itself, theres alot more then just Microsoft, or Playstation. That we don't really pay attention to, trust me, it's killing me as much as the next guy, cause besides waiting for lonesome road, all i have left is the new elder scrolls. Alot of new games haven't been keeping my attention, pretty much thats bethesda's job.

You could be right, I forgot that they went back to court, now I just hope that lonesome road will come out in september and not October or November.
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:09 pm

I've got other games, and modding. I'm not thinking about LR and I won't be until it comes out.

That strategy works and I highly recommend it.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:08 am

If they throw in some killing and make it varied enough I'll partake. Hell I wouldn't mind if it led up to something. More content is always welcomed. Also I think I've only found two of them that I can recall off hand. The one in Primm and the one Outside Old Mormon Fort.

Who are you kidding, they could make a timed walking mission between primm and novac and we would all partake.

We would all complain, but we'd all partake.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:10 am

Sorry if I sounded rude, I apologize. It's been heck trying to get this computer to work, I've see soo many people wondering why it's not out yet.. And no one has seemed to bring up the big issue that the orig Fallout owners and Bethesda are still going back and forth with court. But in a way I'm kinda happy that Bethesda did get the rights to alot of the fallout name, cause they added this beautiful fps aspect, and dropped the up top looking down perspective. Things that Interplay still wanted for fallout 3. They done great work for the FO series, I just hope that FO4 will be just as groundshaking when they released 3 after gainning those rights.

But let me tell you, i've played all the DLCs for NV, and the first two were heartbreaking, OWB I've played all 4 of my characters in, cause I've owned NV almost since it first came out, i was probably 4 months off from the release date. Still haven't beat it, cause I wanted to do all the DLC first before finishing a game. So LR needs to release, cause all my char's are 45 and each on their last mission ready to go. Been that way for a while too.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:18 am

I've said it before and I'll say it again; I understand that it was delayed, there was nothing they could do about it. But the least they could do is give us an update on this situation. Tell us they're on their way to fix the problem. Or if not that then at least give us more info and/or more screenshots on Lonesome Road.

They've just left us in the dark after breaking bad news. :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:19 am

I've got other games, and modding. I'm not thinking about LR and I won't be until it comes out.

That strategy works and I highly recommend it.

That is a good strategy, and I've been using the GECK a lot to mod the game but as for other games, well, other games aren't fallout soooo...
Also I don't really care when Lonesome Road comes out as long it's a good DLC, and at this point it looks like it might be the best DLC yet, good weapons, nuclear warheads, Ulysses, and the divide. Sounds good to me!
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:28 am

I've said it before and I'll say it again; I understand that it was delayed, there was nothing they could do about it. But the least they could do is give us an update on this situation. Tell us they're on their way to fix the problem. Or if not that then at least give us more info and/or more screenshots on Lonesome Road.

They've just left us in the dark after breaking bad news. :sadvaultboy:

Yeah they really did and what irritated me was when they then turned around and teased us with even more content and didn't even say if it was going to be something major as another DLC pack or something minor like you can now all get the DLC pack from preorders for 5 dollars. Then they give us a prerendered screenshot (the first one had a the yellow cursor so it looked more like it was taken from the game) and not a further update. Hell I would be happy with an explanation and a screen.

Or at least tell us what the Extra is going to be (My money is on quest pack or another DLC).

Who are you kidding, they could make a timed walking mission between primm and novac and we would all partake.

We would all complain, but we'd all partake.

Its true we would.

I've got other games, and modding. I'm not thinking about LR and I won't be until it comes out.

That strategy works and I highly recommend it.

Yeah I have several coming out in the next few months so I can keep myself distracted until the Skyrim launch but I want LR because I love Fallout.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:39 pm

i bet it is delayd, sicne the ( new comming ) financial crisis. ( isnt it skyrim thats allso delayd?)

and i know it dossent give them any money now when its not released, but it will pull some money home when they need to. it dossent hurt them to delayd it a month or 2, we will still buy it lols ;)

but i think the delay has something with the financial crisis to do.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:15 pm

Yes, primm, outside the old mormon fort.manager office at novac,Goodsprings in front of general store,monorail depot on the strip,(might be one other)
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:20 pm

King Bergman will call me a conspiracy theorist again for this, but none of us know the real reason why they were delayed, but it's fun to speculate. Old World Blues, was delayed simultaneously with RAGE, but they used the excuse that it was because of the "amazing" Old World Blues patch that delayed it. But I think OWB was delayed, so players could have something to play until RAGE came out. Once id announced their stupid decision to use DRM they realized RAGE isn't going to be a hit because players aren't going to be buying that game, because of the DRM decision. So they further delayed Lonesome Road, to hold people over until Skyrim comes out, since I'm sure a lot of people on here will be jumping ship when Skyrim is released.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:27 pm

King Bergman will call me a conspiracy theorist again for this, but none of us know the real reason why they were delayed, but it's fun to speculate. Old World Blues, was delayed simultaneously with RAGE, but they used the excuse that it was because of the "amazing" Old World Blues patch that delayed it. But I think OWB was delayed, so players could have something to play until RAGE came out. Once id announced their stupid decision to use DRM they realized RAGE isn't going to be a hit because players aren't going to be buying that game, because of the DRM decision. So they further delayed Lonesome Road, to hold people over until Skyrim comes out, since I'm sure a lot of people on here will be jumping ship when Skyrim is released.

sorry...what's the "DRM"?
I was looking forward to RAGE.It looked to be what many seem to have wanted with fallout.
BUT......I have high hopes for "DEAD ISLAND" due out first tuesday in september.THAT looks to be a decent game.Open world,,Quests,hordes of zombies,craftable weapons, up to four players at anytime (so if the leave/join in,at anytime, it won't ruin the game)
Dead Island should keep me busy for a few months hopefully,Then I'll get rage when the price drops, and all bugs are worked out.Then skyrimm ...when THAT price drops.
Hopefully everyone won't buy rage, nor skyrim until after the end of their fourth quarter.Teach them a lesson on not screwing with their once loyal fans.
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James Rhead
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:41 am

sorry...what's the "DRM"?
I was looking forward to RAGE.It looked to be what many seem to have wanted with fallout.
BUT......I have high hopes for "DEAD ISLAND" due out first tuesday in september.THAT looks to be a decent game.Open world,,Quests,hordes of zombies,craftable weapons, up to four players at anytime (so if the leave/join in,at anytime, it won't ruin the game)
Dead Island should keep me busy for a few months hopefully,Then I'll get rage when the price drops, and all bugs are worked out.Then skyrimm ...when THAT price drops.
Hopefully everyone won't buy rage, nor skyrim until after the end of their fourth quarter.Teach them a lesson on not screwing with their once loyal fans.

DRM is digital rights management. id is using a system that locks content, if you resell the game. So if you buy a used copy of RAGE you won't have access to all of the game's content. 9 times out of 10 I buy games new anyway, but by buying RAGE it shows you support that kind of DRM and id and other companies will continue to use it. So I won't be getting RAGE at all.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:27 am

Did not know that, thanks.I may have to rethink buying that game.I skipped BRINK because of the problems I heard before the release.
Also, this is why I don't buy NEW games from Gamestop, or EBGames. Even when you order it new,They had taken the plastic wrap off.It pissed me off,and I refuse to buy from them.
Any thoughts on Dead Island. I think its from THQ, not sure though.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:50 pm

DRM is digital rights management. id is using a system that locks content, if you resell the game. So if you buy a used copy of RAGE you won't have access to all of the game's content. 9 times out of 10 I buy games new anyway, but by buying RAGE it shows you support that kind of DRM and id and other companies will continue to use it. So I won't be getting RAGE at all.

I heard Resident Evil Mercenaries on the 3DS had something that prevented reselling as well. I think that game prevented you from wiping your data, so the next person who buys it will be unable to start from scratch. I don't understand the dev's perception on this sort of thing: why should games be any different from movies? The film industry doesn't try to make a system that only let you watch a disc on 1 TV, so why should games be treated otherwise?
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:20 pm

I heard Resident Evil Mercenaries on the 3DS had something that prevented reselling as well. I think that game prevented you from wiping your data, so the next person who buys it will be unable to start from scratch. I don't understand the dev's perception on this sort of thing: why should games be any different from movies? The film industry doesn't try to make a system that only let you watch a disc on 1 TV, so why should games be treated otherwise?

Maybe they are trying to put those who rent their games out of business.Instead of renting them for a couple bucks a night, then finding out it svcks, there by saving $58 bucks.
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:43 am

I heard Resident Evil Mercenaries on the 3DS had something that prevented reselling as well. I think that game prevented you from wiping your data, so the next person who buys it will be unable to start from scratch. I don't understand the dev's perception on this sort of thing: why should games be any different from movies? The film industry doesn't try to make a system that only let you watch a disc on 1 TV, so why should games be treated otherwise?

It's foolish of developers to do this stuff. They claim that used resales hurt them, well I think DRM will hurt them even more. Games aren't going to get cheaper, they are going to get more and more expensive, and forcing people to spend $60+ just to be able to have access to all of the content is just ridiculous. Now most people aren't going to care that a game has DRM that locks content, but those who do will stay away from those games, hurting the developer's sales more than a used resale could ever do. Developers are also using DRM as a way to stop hackers, and those who obtain games illegally, but by forcing content locking DRM onto your games, it's just going to further the cause of those who obtain games illegally. More and more people will open their eyes to what a scam DRM is, and they will join the ranks of those who obtain games illegally. If DRM use is the future of video gaming, that future looks bleak, and I can see a "crash" in the video game industry, the likes of which haven't been seen since the great gaming crash of the 80's.
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:22 am

It's foolish of developers to do this stuff. They claim that used resales hurt them, well I think DRM will hurt them even more. Games aren't going to get cheaper, they are going to get more and more expensive, and forcing people to spend $60+ just to be able to have access to all of the content is just ridiculous. Now most people aren't going to care that a game has DRM that locks content, but those who do will stay away from those games, hurting the developer's sales more than a used resale could ever do. Developers are also using DRM as a way to stop hackers, and those who obtain games illegally, but by forcing content locking DRM onto your games, it's just going to further the cause of those who obtain games illegally. More and more people will open their eyes to what a scam DRM is, and they will join the ranks of those who obtain games illegally. If DRM use is the future of video gaming, that future looks bleak, and I can see a "crash" in the video game industry, the likes of which haven't been seen since the great gaming crash of the 80's.

What happened in the 80's in the video game industry? I never heard about it.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:16 pm

What happened in the 80's in the video game industry? I never heard about it.

Bad Ports, crap games, buggy dissaster, Miami Vice, you name it
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