I don't know how to put this without sounding like a [censored] or something, I'm not meaning to if I do, but NinjaFish, aren't you just out of a relationship? Are you absolutely sure you're ready to get inot a new one with this new girl? It can sometimes cause problems when someone who's just out of a relationship gets into a new one, then tries to back out cause they realised it isn;t what they wanted.
Also, I need a little advice. I recently dumped my boyfriend for a number of reasons. We'd been together about a year and...either 7 or 8 months, I can't remember. Anyway we'd lived together, and he was my first actual serious boyfriend. Now that I'm out of the relationship, I feel a bit lost. I feel a lot more lonely now, without the routine of a relationship, like the soppy texts and cuddles at night, stuff like that. I've been considering getting back with him because I'm finding it kinda hard to be on my own like this.
However. Several of the reasons I dumped him were that he tried to [censored] an underage girl, he lied to me about almost everything, and I mean everything. I had to disregard nearly every word from his mouth for a whole year because of his lying problem, he was selfish, I did not like his mother- I'm 20 years old and had to sleep on the floor in a seperate room when I was at their house, and also it was extremely awkward because we came from completely different socio-economic backgrounds and it really showed and my then-bf NEVER made ANY effort to talk at all, so it was very awkward as none of us knew what to say. He also, at the very end, seemed to not know me at all. I'm a horse rider, but have never competed in my life. Only about a month ago, he asked if I ever compete with Ace or if I like jumping. I HATE jumping, and have had horrible experiences with it, and I also have spoken about it with him several times before. I'm also strongly against animal testing, and I will refuse to buy products tested on animals. I have been like this since being with him, and I am extremely open about it- not preachy, but I'll spend a while in the supermarket buying products not tested, and he always went shopping with me. Yet for my Christmas present, just before we broke up, he bought me some Joop body lotion. I love the smell of Joop, but they test on animals, and it bothered me that he didn't even make any effort to find out if they did or not. I appreciated that he remembered I like the smell of Joop so I didn't complain, but he should have known by now I hate animal testing more and that I am extremely passionate about that sort of thing. I pointed out that they did test on animals, but I wasn't being ungrateful. It just really got to me that after spending that long with me, he couldn't just go online and do a quick google search to check. He also asked me if I'd been playing COD, which I despise with a passion, and several other things that would be difficult to explain, such as my lack of planning and his inability to recognise this.
I guess the point of this long winded post is, is it worth getting back with a liar who doesn't even bother to learn these sorts of things about me, just because I'm taking it a little hard? Should I try give him a second chance, or after more than a year and a half, should I give it up and just let go? And if I do decide to let go, anyone got any tips on how to get over a guy quick?
Yes. I did just get out of a relationship. Mutual breakup, still friends and no hard feelings. And i'm quick to move on. In highschool it was always so hard for me, and I stopped dating completely for 5 years. After that time, I started being able to get over relationships, regardless of how much I liked the person. We broke up, and i'm rather happy with life. Don't get me wrong, I wish the relationship had worked, but I find absolutely NO use in dwelling on the past, So I can easily move on.
As for you're problem. Personally i'm amazed the relationship lasted that long. Lack of communication is probably the worst thing in a relationship. Not to mention, some of the stuff you mentioned would of made me say "[censored] this relationship" right away. Personally I Can't stand liars. I refuse to even be friends with people i'v known to lie to me. It does get hard when you've been in a relationship and all of a sudden your thrust out of this protective and comforting feeling. Personally, after that sort of thing happened to me, the relationship ended very badly, so I took a hiatus on dating for 5 years. A full FIVE years, not looking for a relationship, and not being in one. Because of that, I Feel like im infinitely better at dealing with relationships, dealing with break ups, and being able to deal with any issues the relationships run into. If you want a solid answer, i'd personally stay single and try to live without the cuddling and relationship routines. You will never be 100% certain you will be in a relationship, and developing the ability to cope with post-breakup stress and the other stuff that comes with it could be something worth learning to deal with.
I also suggest a break from dating. Preferably not as long as mine, but enough time for you to get into the routine of being single, not having those feelings of regret or anxiety that comes along with the feeling of "being alone". I can't say you'll end up like me, where I'v become alot more resilient with relationships but, couldn't hurt to try for the other benefits, right?
Wish the best of luck to you, whatever you decide to do.
EDIT: As for your getting over someone question. I don't really think it can be answered to well. Everyone deals with stuff differently, and i'v never known two people to get over break-ups the same way. I have friends who think I should see a doctor, because they think I have some inhability to deal with sadness or something, and others who think me being able to get over stuff is great. You gotta just do what you can, keep yourself busy, try to avoid anything that's going to bring back memories to the surface. I find cutting off any communication with an ex can help.