@All the replies for my question::::::::::
Ya, we try to skype 4-5 times a week, and we usually only tell eachother we miss eachother if one of us is having a hard day. We just try to cheer eachother up, and it seems that hearing this (for both of us) puts a smile on our faces and makes our night a bit better.
The only REAL issue I think i'm running into is, she is very social. So not seeing me for that much time, I know is more difficult for her, then it is for me. We actually just had a talk about how hard it's getting, because life itself is getting stressful, and I know she's starting to feel the effects of it. She's dealing with having to find a new place to live while she applies for college that is VERY close to the start of the semester. IF she doesn't get accepted for this semester, she needs to try to find a job. I also just learned my college royally screwed me and now I can't attend, so I have to find a job, really fast, and try to manage. For her (not so much for me, Im just used to handling bad situations), this is all piling up on her. She does seem worried about the relationship, and although we are crazy about eachother, it's not fair for me to see her struggling with it, when I can't properly emotionally or physically support her when she needs it. We did talk though, and we are getting through it, going to see how it all pan's out in the next couple weeks, when all this stuff calms down and gets into a routine. She was also concerned about if I will have time to see her, due to a full time job. But I told her i'm looking at jobs with open weekends (such as Security), and I'll do everything to make sure I can visit her as often as possible, so the reassurance helped.
I'm still at a loss however. But I suppose now that I think about it, there is really nothing I can do except hope she is willing to work through it all. She said she loves our relationship, but hates the circumstances it's under. Time to pray things work out for the best!
I have been with the same woman since 1977 and I will give my perspective:
1. Don't cheat. If you do, don't ever do it again.
2. Don't talk bad about her friends.
3. Don't be so darned needy.
4. Work hard.
5. Give a woman her space.
6. Claim your own space.
7. Buy her nice things.
8. Learn to shut up.
9. Have patience.
10. Forgive and don't bring it up again.
11. Don't get in deep debt selfishly, she'll do that for you....maybe, but hopefully not. ;o)-)
There's more and hopefully you can figure it out, but you will never be able to figure her completely out.
I have failed at all of these at different times, I'm still learning, but I have one awesome woman, also.....BTW. That helps a whole lot.
I follow most of those, and i'm going to start with the others. We both claim our space, and she LOVES how i'm the first guy that will say "[censored] you" or "No" to certain things.

The "[censored] you" is all in fun however.
I learned 10 myself... I think.. or I keep learning it.. I kepe bringing something up and it always leads back to the same thing.
Learn to shutup is vital.