I'm planning on playing tonight. I work tomorrow afternoon.
Ugh, yes, I have to work tomorrow. It's released 11pm local time, so I plan on just a couple hours
Most of that time will probably be spend in character creation and some small exploration to just get the feel!
I haven't done [censored] at work all day today. just watching the clock and perusing the forums lol
I have to work tomorrow, and my Gamestop usually don't get their game until a day later so I won't be playing Fallout 4 until November 11.
Wait, that's Veteran's Day. Gamestop is open on Veteran's Day, right?
Work till 10:30, hour drive home, grabbing some food and a 4 pack of monsters and playing all night/tomorrow as I took the day off
Oh me too. Gonna drink like a pot of coffee at work haha
Am I the only one who actually puts his work above Fallout 4?
I have to be at Work at 10:00 PM CST, I do not get Home until 7:00 AM
I've come to the conclusion that the international date line really needs to be moved to the Atlantic Ocean.
I've got more than twelve hours before I can even get to it, but I got other things to manage tonight to keep me busy until the fated hour.
Hmm, that statement plus the avatar, I wonder what those things could be...
Playing ASAP. I took a week off but a coworker got fired...so I have to work this week and take his call. Of all the freaking weeks, it had to happen this week.
Same here, but I'm usually up and about by 5am. I just might be able to get a little gaming in before work...of course a smart guy would avoid that distraction and wait till after work before playing. It's entirely possible that I'll look up four hours later and say, Oh [censored], I'm late for work.
7 minutes to launch here, will play for 10 mins, then bed, work, family and a proper chance to play at about 9PM tomorrow!
Gamestop. In 2 hours. Then back home. Then Gamestop again. Then back home for install.